McDonald's official character "Humbergler" reveals that it will transform into a wild twink and revive

Speaking of McDonald 's mascot character, I remember "Donald McDonald", a distinctive border pattern of red and white on the yellow base, but until around 2002,Hamburger glass"Mascot characters also appeared on TVCM and others. It has become clear that such a hamburger glurr revives with a new costume after a latent period of about 13 years.

Hide your lunch: McDonald's brings back the Hamburglar

"Hamburger Glass" is a mascot character that McDonald's created in 1971. The name seems to have been completed by hanging a "burglar" on "hamburger". As its name suggests, hamburger wearing a thief-like appearance, it looks more familiar than Donald McDonald's.

However, since 2002, the playing field gradually diminished, and at present the opportunity to see almost its success has been lost.

Joel Yashinsky, vice president overseeing McDonald 's marketing department, said, "I feel that the timing has come for us to show off a new look of hamburger glass that has attracted attention in recent years,"MashableCommented on, it is clear that a new costume hamburger glitter appears. Joel vice president says, "He is growing busy to grow and support his family, and of course his appearance has changed with the passage of time."

And McDonald's has released a mystery male movie wearing a white and black braider pattern apron that reminds me of the old hamburger costume, which is considered to be "the identity of a grown hamburger glitter?" I will.

New costume of hamburger glitter which is newly released is like this. It is very close to the costume of the old hamburger glass called the mask of red tan coat on the black trench coat, and the mask at the eyes, but it has succeeded in exquisitely from the old squatting body shape.

It seems that a new hamburger glurr will appear in McDonald's various PR activities and it will be easy to search with the hashtag "#RobbleRobble". In addition, "RobbleRobble" is said to be a famous habit of hamburgers.

In addition, looking at a new costume hamburger glitter, Tsukkom, "WWF's wrestler who was active in the 1990s, Lipman is not!" Has also popped out, and there seems to be pros and cons for the appearance.

in Design,   Food, Posted by logu_ii