"TwitLonger" which can overcome more than 140 characters on Twitter with one tweet
I want to tweet a long sentence of over 140 letters on Twitter, but when I do not want to tweet the timeline of a friend or acquaintance repeatedly over and over, I can not express it within 140 lettersAA (ASCII art)When you want to tweet, etc, convenient service is "TwitLonger"is.
TwitLonger - When you talk too much for Twitter
Please login to Twitter account and go to the above site and click "Sign in with Twitter".
Click "Authenticate cooperative application".
Then a text box like this will appear.
When tweeting more than 140 characters, TwitLonger can give a title, so here enter the title and enter the body further. The number of entered characters is counted in the upper right.
To tweet, click "Post it" at the bottom.
Then TwitLonger's site will display over 140 tweets.
It is like this when you display it on a smartphone.
In the actual Twitter timeline, it is displayed as follows, and if you click the link, you can see the contents of a long sentence.
Unlike before, if you tweet without a title ......
In the timeline, the body appears halfway.
Also, I tried to copy AA (ASCII art) and displayed it, but the display was slightly misaligned.
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in Review, Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log