Google will launch its own taxi dispatch service, Uber will also counter it

ByMichael Halberstadt

It has become clear that Google, which runs at the cutting edge of automatic car development, is developing its own taxi dispatch service. To respond to this movement, it is reported that Uber, the industry leader, is developing a research team with 50 scientists to develop automatic driving cars.

Exclusive: Google and Uber Are Going to War Over Taxis - Bloomberg Business

Uber became independent from Google in 2013Corporate venture capital(CVC)Google VenturesTo about 258 million dollars (about 27 billion yen at the rate of the time). In 2013 of the same year, the close relationship between the two companies is apparent, including Google's senior vice president and chief legal officer (CLO) David Drumdd took over as Uber's director, and in the near future Google will It was enough to absorb Uber as well.

However, it seems that the situation is changing over the next two years. Google is preparing to provide a taxi service based on an automated driving car that is developing independently and according to a person close to Uber's upper part, Mr. Drumd to the Uber's Board of Directors already has that information A screen shot image of a Google taxi app already being used by Google employees has also been released. According to this information provider, Uber seems to be considering Mr. Drumond's request to resign as director.

Also, at the "Detroit Auto Show" held in January 2015, Mr. Chris Armson, who is in charge of Google's automated driving car project, said, "One of them is the use of vehicles ( There is a direction of car sharing.The use of this technology will allow the user to call the vehicle to his place and let him take him to the place by telling the destination. " It seems that Uber 's upper part has become a serious concern.

ByStargazer 95050

Having received this movement, Uber announced that it will establish a strategic partnership with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) on February 2, 2015 to establish an advanced technology center.

Uber and CMU Announce Strategic Partnership and Advanced Technologies Center | Uber Blog

Here it is clear that Uber and CMU set up a development base for automatic driving cars in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and set up a research team of 50 people in size with CMU to proceed with the development of another automated driving vehicle different from Google It was done.

Uber's Travis-Calanic CEO has long been talking about Uber's transition to an automated driving car in the future. The big reason is the driver's labor cost, Mr. Karanick said "If there is no one driving a car, Uber's price will be much cheaper than owning the car himself," the merit of introducing an automatic driving car Respectively.

Uber who can call a hire or a taxi using smartphone's application has acquired many users all over the world from its convenience, but on the other hand, rape cases by drivers have occurred, and in the pastPassenger usage history was unlimited access to employeesIt is also a fact that we have problems such as troubles occur.

Uber registered driver kidnapped and raped a customer incident occurred, trouble in other countries - GIGAZINE

Although it is a relationship between Google and Uber that could be said to be a honeymoon condition only a few years ago, it seems that the situation has been changing greatly under the water. It seems that there will be interest in how the relations between the two companies will change.

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