Meals the last meal of 12 death row prisoners

"You can choose the meal before the execution of the death penalty"Last meal(The last meal) "exists in all over the world, and in the past it was also requested that a medium rare steak and about 1 liter of chocolate mint ice are also requested in the United States. Henry Hargreaves, a photographer, reproduces "the last meal" of such prisoners.

Henry Hargreaves | Photographer

You can see the movie from the following.

12 Last Meals of Famous Death Row Inmates - YouTube

Victor Fegger who requested the death sentence requested one olive olive. Fegger was 28 years old, was sentenced to death for the crime of kidnapping and murdering the child.

Angel Nieves Diaz, who kidnapped and killed children for ransom, did not make a request and therefore ordinary meals were offered but refused meals.

Timothy McBayIsOklahoma City Federal government building bombing incidentI was sentenced to death by crime of doing. Lastly I ate 2 pints (about 900 ml) of chocolate mint ice cream.

I committed 33 people including a boy and killed them.John GeysieFried shrimp 12 tails, Kentucky fried chicken, fried potatoes, 1 pound (about 450 g) strawberries requested on the last meal.

Rickey Rey Rector became a murder punishment for two murders. The last meal is steak · fried chicken ·Cherry cool aid· Peacompai. Peacampai says to the guard, "I will eat it later" and left it.

Stefan Anderson is sentenced to intimidation by assault, assault, seven cases of murder and jailbreak. Grilled cheese 2 pieces · Cottage cheese · Corn · Peach pies · Radish · Chocolate chip ice cream requested.

I killed more than 30 women and murderedTed BandieWe ordered medium rare steaks, semi-eggs, hash browns, jams and butter-coated toast, milk and juice.

The last meal of Ronnie Lee Gardner who was shot dead by two homicides and intrusion / theft is lobster tail steak apple pie vanilla ice cream. And "During mealsLord of the RingI want to see "and asked.

Alan · Lee · Davis who was sent an electric chair for the murder of robbery and three parents lobster tail · fried potato · fried shrimp 460 g · fry crumb 170 g, garlic toast ·A & WofRoot beerRequest.

Death sentences brought controversy because the intelligence exponent was only slightly exceeding IQ 70, the borderline of the death penaltyTeresa RuizHe was sentenced to medicine on the crime of insurance money murder. Fried chicken · beans and butter · apple pie · as the last mealDr Pepper.

There is a suspicion of the biggest crime case in America's trial historySakko · Vanzetti caseThe last meal of the fish peddler Bartolomeo · Vanzetti and shoemaker Nikola · Sakko was soup · meat · tea · toast. The judicial side does not admit, but in 1977 the administrative side announced that this judgment was a misjudgment based on prejudice and hostility.

In the case of Ronnie Thread Gill who was sentenced to murder due to the crime of murder, it was mashed potatoes, vegetables, sweet peas, breads, teas, water, fruit punch with baked chicken · gravy sauce. In 2011 Texas abolished the system which can request the last meal, so it was said that normal meal was offered to Thread Gill.

In addition, in some areas including Texas this system is abolished or expenses are restricted.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log