What are the three causes of committing an impossible major failure?
ByAlex Proimos
Everyone makes a mistake, but when I go back to the past history and past incidents, it was given by the Greek forces long agoTrojan horseFromNew type train design mistake of French National Railway which invested 15 billion euros (about 2 trillion yen)There are a number of failures that are sometimes unthinkable. According to the research result scientifically pursuing why such a big failure happens, it turned out that "silly failure can be classified into three types".
What is stupid ?: People's conception of unintelligent behavior
The Psychology of the Breathtakingly Stupid Mistake - Scientific American
Academic journals on psychology ·IntelligenceA research team such as Balazs Aczel of psychology department of Eotvos Lorand University who published the paper inHuffington PostWhenTMZI gathered articles to report "stupid failures" from among them. What gathered was the incident that illegally invaded the house and stole the television, a thief who realized that a thief had forgotten the remote control and was arrested back to the same house and a man who entered the thief to steal the mobile phone Instead, they were arrested for being located where the stolen GPS tracker was found.
Based on these data, the research team evaluated each failure using multiple factors, such as the responsibilities of people who caused a stupid failure, the influence of failing circumstances, the importance of the outcome. As a result of this evaluation analysis, it was found that stupid failures can be classified into three types.
The first case is "the conviction has exceeded the actual skill" case, for example, the robbery of Pittsburgh, USA, applies to this case. The robbery was arrested for robbery at two banks without doing disguise in loud daytime, but the criminal seems to think that it becomes transparent when it is painted on the face and does not appear on the surveillance camera .
Or, Wild Wing, the mascot character of the hockey team Anaheim Ducks of Anaheim, California, fails to jump over the wall of fire and the happening that was rescued by a cheerleader falls under the first failure. The reason for misjudging the belief and actual ability of such a person,Dunning = Kruger effectIt is said to have been proved.
Wild Wing jumps into a pit of fire - YouTube
The second one is caused by "impulsive behavior", and as a result of losing its suppression it will commit a foolish failure. This is because American former House of Representatives Anthony Weiner told several women through SNSCase of sending her obscene pictures. Also, in the House of RepresentativesTea partyIn order to negotiate the rumor that conservative Todd Kooser had a sexual relationship with former Republican Cindy Garmit, Mr. Cosar said that he would release his record data on site where he had a relationship with male prostitution The case is similar, sex scandal by politicians seems to be prominent.
The third is due to "lack of attention", for example in 1929Rose bowlThis is the failure that Mr. Roy Rigelus who was a star at the University of California ran 65 yards (about 60 meters) in the opposite direction and made a decisive factor of team defeat. However, Aczel says that failure due to lack of attention is classified as the smallest failure among three stupid failures.
Roy Riegels wrong way run in the Rose Bowl - YouTube
These failures have picked up a particularly big event, but human errors, including small failures, can always occur. However, studying failure can lead to knowing the cause of failure and human faults, and it can be a countermeasure to reduce human errors.Scientific AmericanFor this research, humans tend to overestimate their abilities, behave like impulsive behavior, or lose attention. By paying attention to these factors, we are able to prevent 'stupid failures' which will later be regretted.
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