I saw the large giant tomb, the Oyamada site and Shu Ming Emperor's monument than the stone arena

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A part of a huge mound tomb was found at the Oyamada site in Nara Prefecture, Asuka village. It is said that it is the biggest thing in the Asuka area, which is bigger than the stone stage tumuli with 50 m each side, and from the viewpoint of commonality of making it is the view that it is Shing Ming Emperor and that it is tomb of Mr. Soga It has come out. Just in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, there are Shu Ming Emperor Temple and Osaka Inner Ling which the Imperial Household Agency establishes, so we went together.

Oyamada Site 5th & 6 th Survey Field Presentation (January 15, 2015)
(PDF file)http://www.kashikoken.jp/from-site/2014/koyamada_annai.pdf

The first buried area of ​​Shu Ming Emperor - Asuka's largest mound / Asuka / Oyamada ruins | Archeology | Nara newspaper WEB

Arrived at Kashihara Jingumae station of Kintetsu. Cross the crossing of the railroad crossing which has become rare at stations of such a large scale, go out from the east exit.

Outside the east entrance is a small roundabout.

The bus depot goes to Yagi · Yoshino 1st, 2nd to Asuka Round Bus · Asuka Material Museum · Asuka Great Buddha · Stone Stage · Takamatsuzuka.

On this day, the shuttle bus was operated from No. 1 stop to the nearest "Noguchi" bus stop.

Being shaken by a full bus In about 10 minutes I arrived at Noguchi and I will walk from here, but in addition to those who got off the bus, people walking from Okadera station, parked cars in a neighboring parking lot People who stopped and walked also mixed, the number of wonderful people ... ....

I arrived at Nara Prefectural Asuka School of Nursing home in the field, but it is a tight matrix.

There were shops selling grilled cakes and the like.

I got a leaflet at the reception ...

I will receive an explanation of less than 10 minutes in front of the panel.

This is an aerial photograph taken in 1948. Hirata Meishan Kofun (Kinmei Lake) in the southwest of this place, Noguchi Royal Burial Mound in the south (Temple / Deng Ling).

This time, it was about January 15 (Thursday) that the news "What is unknown giant ancient tomb in! Asuka?" Was news, but the excavation survey began in the first place about 40 years ago. A survey began on the occurrence of a wooden note from the site of this school, and the existence of a tumulus exceeding the stone stage tumulus exceeding 50 m in length has become clear.

The first found remains is a "groove", with stones spread all over, with large stones on the north side and plate shaped stones in the south side. This is the picture, the lower one is greenCrystalline schist(Chlorite schist), the upper oneMuromi andesite rock(Haibaraishi) was. This stone-like stacking method is also found in Shidozuka Kofun (Shuling Mausoleum and Osaka Nakamura) in Sakurai City, so Shuling Mausoleum before the reconstruction to Odaizuka was here Is not it? That is the opinion that is out.

Emperor Shu Ming was the thirty-fourth Emperor, accepting after the death of Emperor Suiko who is said to be the first female emperor in history, he was crowned. Although Mr. Soga 's blood is not contained, it seems that Suga Ezo went grasping the real power. Children with Empress · Treasure Princess (later Empress Emperor · Qi Ming Emperor) Chuo Odoriko (later Tendo Emperor Tenjo) · Imperial Princess · Okami Prince (later Temmi Emperor).

...... so that after receiving an explanation I will have you show the locality behind the school building. Because the scaffolding is built in the site, only 150 people put it at once.

Looking at the scene from the sky as seen from now.

Wait for the previous group to finish watching ... ....

The scaffold is set up above the ruins like this.

Crystal schist and Muroyes andesite found.

It is loaded like a step in this way. The photograph was taken from the scaffolding to the south from the north side of the ruins.

Stones are lining up in the groove.

The scaffold is installed like this.

There are "stone extraction holes" somewhere. This was at the time of excavation, and it is believed to have been artificially pulled out before being buried as an archaeological site in this way.

It is still part of the mound, even if it is said that it is bigger than the stone arena burial mound. What on earth was it all ... ....

More than 8000 people visited the site. According to the local explanatory staff, although there is a view that Shuling Ling is seen from the fact that making is common with Shitsunoda kofun as described above, on the other hand, it is located in the northKannagaokaIt is said that there was Mr. Soga's mansion and there is a view that the tomb of Sogo Ezo · Soga Inuka was lining as well as the iris mochi tomb is adjacent to the western side of the ruins .

On the way home, things like mounds were made on the school premises, but this is probably a stack of soil that came out at the time of the survey.

There is an exit on the west side of the school, and you can cross the road to go to the Iriompa Kofun.

There is something like a cabin on a humble hill. This is the Ilomakai Kofun.

According to the explanation board, the size of the ancient tomb is around 20 m. With the ceiling stone being exposed, the sarcophagus had been finished to the finest one.

This cabin-like thing is rain-free made to protect the sarcophagus.

Looking into the inside through a small gap, the sarcophagus opens its mouth wide.

The old tumulus is a small hill, overlooking the streets of Asuka village.

Because Shuin Ling · Stephotsuka burial mound after reconstruction is not far away, I decided to go to see. First we return from Noguchi to Kashihara Jingumae east exit by shuttle bus ......

From Kashihara Jingumae, take the Kintetsu Kashihara express to Yamato Yagi.

At Yamato Yagi, this time I will transfer to the Kintetsu Osaka Line section guidelines.

And I arrived at Sakurai. When I got out of the south exit to get on the bus bound for Ling, the Kintetsu Sakurai station entered the shade of JR Sakurai Station. In the photograph, an urban liner is just passing Kintetsu Sakurai station.

Sakurai City Guide Board in front of the station. Four "historical ways" are color-coded, but Shuing Ming was not in the route.

From the south exit bus stop No. 1, take the bound for Daeba.

The bus in Nara Tsuno was quite small.

Arrived at "Osaka (Osaka)" in just 10 minutes from the station.

There seems to be many temples and tumuli in this area.

From the bus stop I turned to the east. It is supposed to be able to be seen because there was a guide to arrive at about 500 m from the bus stop, about 3 minutes on foot, but I do not know exactly which one at this time.

Anyway, as I walked to the east, I found a signposted "Shou Ming Emperor took me left town" in the corner.1 townIt is approximately 109 m.

From the place where there is a monument, go to the mountain side OK. On its way ...

Such a bell was installed. The stone on which the bell is placed is what is called "ginkakuishi (common name: chikyushi)".JinduThere is a legend that it is the big stone that Emperor Jinmu took a shield when he went to Yasutakelu in this place.

As I go up further through the stone, I immediately arrive at such a place.

This is Shuling Ling. The Imperial Household Agency is nicknamed "Takeshi Osaka (Misa Isaka Osaka)".

I just went up the stairs. Emperor Ming is banned from entering anywhere, so that he can only go to the front of such a gate.

The grave (ancient tomb) is entirely what seems like a mountain, not the "grave" seen by looking.

Looking back this way.

By the way, a narrower road leads to the mountain from the bottom of the stairs.

The panel of this explanation is built there. Looking at the aerial photographs posted here, you can see that they are shaped like an ancient tomb.

As I follow the road further, I will come out where I opened a little. In front, you can see something like a gate similar to the previous Emperor 's Mausoleum. Other than that it was like a cultivated land.

This is the grave of Mirror Queen (Kamami no Hime Miko / Kagamino no Omiki).

There is a theory that it is the daughter of the royal family / Kao, and it corresponds to Mr. Neda's sister. At first he was the wife of Emperor Tenshi, but later became the main room of Fujiwara Kamisoku.

Since the graves are not the only two, we will proceed further. There is a branch soon, but the right hand side is divided into Okamayama (Osaka mountain). The mountain is at an altitude of 292 mYamato AsakuraI will arrive. I will not go over the mountains this time.

As you head to the left branch, the signboard stands right away.

Beyond this is the grave of Omarugo Princess (Omoi no Hiimeko). The Princess is the daughter of Emperor Kinmei, Emperor Shu Ming is a grandson of Toshinari Emperor who is a heterky brother. It means that it is 100 m above the ground so we will proceed further.

Even if it says 100 m, there is a considerable difference in elevation.

This is Omoto Daigo 's grave.

Unlike the two previous tombs, there was a torii here.

The tip of the torii was very exciting and this was the most grave-like atmosphere.

It feels like it has risen considerably, but you can come here from Osaka bus stop in less than 30 minutes.

Looking around this around Google Maps looks like this. However, the actual tomb is closer to Shu Ming tomb in the west than a place on the map "Omoribono Imperial Oshosaka Tomb" is written. (→ As I wrote the article in January 2015, the place where the marker of "Omoribon Princess Osaka inside grave" is placed on the map was displaced from the actual place, but after that, at the correct position It seems to have been fixed)

The road that I went up to Shuling Ling was one of the "historical highways" and there are plenty of other places to go, so it may be interesting for people interested.

On the way back from the bus stop in Osaka, I turned around looking toward Shuin Ling. Just around the center of the picture, around the right side of two blue roofs there are Shuling Ling.

Although there is only one bus in about 2 hours, the bus comes out of the south exit of Sakurai Station and gets off at Osaka, and it takes about an hour for the bus to go back to Daeda and return it, so Shu Ming Ling · It is much easier if it only goes around three of the mirror Queen's grave and Omotoro Princess' tomb.

in Coverage, Posted by logc_nt