How to download a limited-time campaign that can get free masterpiece "Sim City 2000" Summary

SimCity 2000 Special edition, PC version, which is a sequel to SimCity,OriginSo I can get it for free, so I summarized the download method.

"Present from Origin" - download free PC games | Origin game | Origin game

First open the above URL and click "Get it now".

In order to get SimCity 2000 for free, you need to create an Origin account, enter your e-mail and click "Next".

Enter "Origin ID" "Password" "Re-enter password" "Answer to secret question" "Country of residence" "Date of birth" "Character authentication" and check "agree to FA's privacy policy and terms of service" After entering, click "Next".

Enter "Name" and "Last Name" and click "Register". The name and last name input are optional items.

When the message "Completed!" Appears, click "Continue".

Since the screen of the campaign opens, click "Get it now".

ORIGIN is required to download SimCity 2000, so click "Download Origin" at the bottom of the screen.

Click "Save File".

Launch the downloaded "OriginThinSetup.exe".

Click "Execute".

Please remove all checks in 5 boxes and click "Install".

Please check the box of end user license agreement and click "OK".

Enter "E-mail address or Origin ID" and "Password" and click "Login".

Set "User who can view my profile" to "None" and click "Continue" after unchecking "For other users searching me".

When Origin starts up, click the icon of the campaign displayed in the lower left.

Click "Get it now".

Since you can only select the language in English, just click on "approve".

Uncheck the box and click "Continue".

Please check "I read and agree to the license agreement" and click "Continue" to start the download.

When the download is finished, SimCity 2000 is displayed on the Origin screen, so click on "Play" to launch the game.

When the game starts, click "Start New City" and finally start playing.

Enter the city name, set the difficulty level to "Easy" and year to "1900" and click "Done".

After that, I will build my own favorite city while consulting with funds.

SimCity 2000 's free download is a limited time campaign, but since it has not been officially announced when the campaign will end, it seems better to get people who want absolutely as soon as possible.

in Software,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log