I went to the bath shop "Funaoka Onsen" designated as a registered tangible cultural property with tremendous decoration

Founded as a cooking ryokan "Funaokaro" in the Taisho era 12 years ago, a bath shop who developed luxuriously and glamorously with luxury as the main customer base of Kyoto · Nishijin's young crowd "Funaoka Onsen"is. I went to a tremendous "town's bath shop" that colorful tiles called "Japanese made Majikura Tile" now being antique are spread over the wall, and from the cypress bath and open-air bath you can also see the balustrade and the garden. It was.

KING OF Sento Funaoka Onsen 【Hidden Name Spot Funaoka Onsen Street】 | Naked Art Kyoto's Public Bath

The address of Funaoka Onsen is 82-1 Shuranonamitsukaoka cho, Kita Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture.

Hankyu Saishin station from 205 buses rocked about 20 minutes, get off in front of Daitokuji and walk for about 10 minutes, you will see a sign of "Funaoka Onsen".

Since it is from 15 o'clock on weekdays, when you arrive earlier than that, there is still no goodwill hanging.

The closing time is 25 o'clock, the sun it is opening from 8 o'clock to 25 o'clock earlier than the national holiday.

It is like this when goodwill is taken. When it was time to open the store, customers were entering at once.

It was made in 1953 that the Tarzan Wind in the front of the building was built.

Funaoka Onsen is usually a matter of course, but photography is prohibited from the dressing room over there, so this time I was able to take a picture before the opening hours specially beforehand. The receptionist is like this.

The bathing fee is 430 yen for junior high school students, 150 yen for elementary school students, and 60 yen for infants.

Next to the reception is goodwill written as "Maiden" and "Goten".

First of all, I will look at "mito" from men's bath behind the goodwill.

This is a dressing room. Decorative tiles with decorative decorations are used on the wall called Majolica tile, and the room is surrounded in a column filled with designs. On the ceiling are sculptures of Kurama Tengu and Ushimaru Maru.

Majolika tiles made in color and very fine are now scarce. In mimicking the British Victorian Tile it was made in Japan between the Taisho and Showa era, and now it is as an antique on the Internet from 1000 yen to 4000 yen per pieceIt is on sale.

Retro timepieces also have a presence.

The design is also varied, but the dressing room was gathered around the green tile.

There is no decoration and tiles with pictures are used.

The space between the male and the female hot water was established by Mr. Koichiro Ohno who was the second generation of Funaoka Onsen since 1980, the theme of Shanghai Incident.

Locker looks something like this.

There was a yellow basket in the locker with a key.

The dressing room and the bathroom are connected by the railings of Kikusui Bridge, and you can see the Japanese garden from the window.

There are massage chairs at the changing room ... ...

We have scales and so on.

Hair dryer is 30 yen per time.

This is the entrance leading to the bathroom.

Open the door, this is the aisle. Majolica tiles are packed tightly here as well.

When you take a bath, I will bring a sump on the sink.

A sighingly beautiful tile.

Touching it, the surface was decocted.

The combination of colors is also exquisite, it is about to watch forever.

I left the aisle and arrived at the bathroom. It is a contemporary feeling, striking with a gorgeous retro feeling of the dressing room.

A medicine bath from the front ......

High temperature deep bath

And next to that there is a collection of several baths.

Puffing bath

Estidjet bath

It is said that Funaoka Onsen 's electric bath is introduced for the first time in Japan, as the second generation, Mr. Kouichirou has repeatedly visited the Ministry of International Trade and Industry with hints of hospital low frequency therapy equipment.

Although I did not vomit when I visited, there is also a water bath, which the lion originally spews water.

And in the back ......


There was also a mat.

The washroom looks like this.

Since soap, shampoo & rinse etc are also placed, it seems to be okay if you come by hand.

Tile is laid on the wall that separates male and female water, but this is the fifth generation Matsunosuke san made by saying, "I think foreigners would be delighted."

Then we spun around the bath and discovered a door written "Outdoor (Hinoki)" next to the bathroom entrance.

When I got out of the door, there was a hinoki bath.

From the Hinoki bath, a balustrade and a small garden can be seen, and it is a space of healing palate which is unexpected with a bath shop that is included at 430 yen.

A carp swimming in the pond.

Statues of nude etc were also placed.

Well, let 's return to the dressing room ... and I headed for the door and found another bath.

This is striking hot water.

There was a button on the wall, and when you push the button, it became a mechanism that hot water flows from the ceiling.

Next, I will head to the other side of goodwill written as "female hot water."

This is female hot water. The arrangement of the room is symmetrical with the man's hot water, but the facilities are almost the same.

I will attach "I will refuse photographing in a changing room". It is a beauty that you want to keep in the picture, but let's put it in the camera of the mind.

I will head to the entrance to the bathroom.

This is also spread with colorful majolica tiles as well as men.

Through the aisle ......

Hammered water at the entrance on the right side.

Female hot water is like this. The atmosphere is different from a little hot water.

There is a medicine bath ......

It is the same as men's bath that there is a big bath with a combination of hot spring baths, estijet baths and electric baths.

There is also a hot deep bath.

However, in the case of men, the hinoki bath which had become an outdoor bath was installed indoors.

Next to the Hinoki bath is a washroom.

In retrospect, I discovered the door where the tag written "Outdoor bath and bathroom sauna room" was set next to the entrance.

When I got out, there was a rock bath outdoor bath.

A dragon that spews water above the rock. Although I want to jump in mind unintentionally, because it is a bathroom in the foreground, be careful not to get in forcefully.

In the back was a warm outdoor bath.

It is possible to see the Kikusui bridge from the rock bath as well.

An elegant landscape is spreading.

As you get out of the bath, a refrigerator with milk or coffee milk is next to the reception so you can enjoy a full glass of water.

There is also a break space and a vending machine so you can relax in the bath.

There was a TV also.

Also, in a place a few minutes walking from Funaoka Onsen, the Sento "Fujimori Yu" which was closed in Heisei 19 was played back "Exposed NishijinThere is a cafe called "Tempo", where you can also enjoy the atmosphere that was filled with Japanese Majolica tiles.

It is also here. By saying that the sento has been regenerated, there is a sign of a public bath in front of the shop.

Inside is like this. The sofa seat where the majolica tiles are stretched. The wall in the middle was a partition between male and hot water.

Table seat.

It is a spacious space just as a former public bath.

I also have books, so it seems good to spend a relaxing time after going up from the bath.

in Coverage, Posted by darkhorse_log