Microsoft gives Surface Pro 3 to all participants of "Adobe MAX 2014"

Microsoft gave a free tablet PC "Surface Pro 3" for everyone who participated in Adobe-hosted conference "Adobe MAX 2014" for free. The latest terminal is sometimes presented at Microsoft 's conference "BUILD" that is being held in - house, but what is it that you can get a Surface at Adobe' s conference ...?

Welcome - Adobe MAX 2014

Microsoft gave all Adobe MAX attendees a free Surface Pro 3 - Neowin

The appearance of Microsoft's Satya Nadera CEO in the keynote lecture of "Adobe MAX 2014" can be seen in the following movie.

Adobe & amp; Microsoft Partner at Adobe MAX 2014 - YouTube

Nadera CEO

After explaining all that Adobe Creative Cloud's product suite supports multitouch of Windows device such as Surface Pro 3 ....

Proclaiming that "I will bring you Surface Pro 3 to you today," declaring that the gift will be given, the hall applauded.

Following this, Myra Ferguson, Adobe's user group manager and multimedia designer, said tweeting that "Adobe MAX participants are unbelievable that they can get Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for free!

From the official account of Adobe MAX, "It is exhilarating what we are going to make you!"

Surface Pro 3 is a Microsoft tablet PC released on June 20, with a screen size of 12 inches. In addition to being able to be used as a tablet only with the main body, the type cover which also serves as display protection during storage can be kept upright when using the stand at the back, because it is a removable keyboard so install it It can also be used.

"Surface Pro 3" haste review, the ability of the PC with the thinnest Intel Core in the world?

Actually using Illustrator on Surface is like this. This movie was also used in the keynote lecture.

Adobe Illustrator on MS Surface - YouTube

In a briefing held in Japan on Wednesday, October 1, CEO NaderaPreinstall Office on all future Surface products releasedAs I have revealed, the new model of Surface Pro 3 released on October 17 (Friday) in Japan is equipped with Office Premium. People who care may try this opportunity.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logc_nt