`` VisuAlgo '' that can understand algorithms and programming visually at once

VisuAlgo-visualizing data structures and algorithms through animation
Try visualizing the basic algorithm ' bubble sort ' of the sorting algorithm on the above VisuAlgo site. Click “bubble” in “Sorting”.

After confirming that “bubble” is displayed under the search window, click the “Sorting” image.

Then, the image that the number became a bar graph appeared. Click “Create” in the lower left corner ...

'Random', 'Sorted', and 'Nearly Sorted' buttons are displayed. The previous bar graph is arranged in Random (random). By clicking “Sorted” “Nearly Sorted”, the bar graph can be sorted by specifying conditions such as ascending / descending.

This time, we will rearrange the random numbers (bar graph), so click Random in the order of “Sort” → “GO”.
Then, the program code is displayed at the bottom right of the screen, and the bar graph is rearranged according to the bubble sort algorithm. Since the executed part of the program, such as the for statement and if statement, is displayed in black, it is obvious at a glance what function the program code performs in the algorithm.
In addition to “Sorting”, VisuAlgo includes “Bitmask”, “Linked List, Stack, Queue, Deque”, “Binary Serch Tree, AVL Tree”, “Binary Heap”, “Graph Data Structures” ……

“Union-Find Disjoint Sets” “Segment Tree” “Binary Indexed Tree” “Generic Recursion Tree / DAG” “Graph Traversal” “Minimum Spanning Tree” ……

You can visualize various algorithms and data structure programs such as “Single-Source Shortest Paths”, “Network Flow”, “Graph Matching”, “Suffix Tree”, “Suffix Array”, and “(Computational) Geometry”.

VisuAlgo is a network service that was developed by Professor Steven Harim of the National University of Singapore in 2011 to help students understand data structures and algorithms, and learned algorithms, data structures, and programming on the Internet. It is an ideal teaching material for people.
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in Software, Web Service, Video, Design, Posted by darkhorse_log