A developer of a pop-up advertisement expresses an apology, what is the development history and why?

ByMatt Haughey

There are many types of advertisements you always see when you use the Internet, such as banner advertisements and movie advertisements. One of a number of Internet advertisements "Pop-up advertisementDevelopers of "The AtlanticIn the column donated to the company, I revealed the reasons and circumstances of development of pop-up advertisements, and even expressed my apology.

The Internet's Original Sin - The Atlantic

Pop-up advertisement is an advertisement that displays a separate window of the browser as it opens a specific page on the Internet. A pop-up blocking function is implemented in major browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, and a tab browser that displays multiple pages in one window becomes standard, as opposed to 2014 as fewer opportunities are seen It was.

Developers of poor pop-up advertisements from users conduct web research and tool developmentMIT Center for Civic MediaMIT Media Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology LaboratoryDoctoral researcherBut Ethan Zuckerman.

ByJD Lasica

Zuckerman provides web hosting services from 1994 to 1999TripodI was doing business related to website construction and web design for university graduates. However, the service did not go well and the company turned to a hosting service.

Tripod who has built various internet business models around the main business hosting service finally arrivedAdvertisementwas.

The business model of Internet advertising which became an important revenue source of Tripod is to analyze the personal homepage each user has individually, and to display better targeting advertisement than before. It is a pop-up advertisement that created the targeted advertisement in the process of development.

ByDaniel Oines

In the background of birth,Anal sexThere was an "incident" that a banner advertisement of a major automobile manufacturer was posted on a well-known adult site related to the related. Zuckerman came up with pop-up advertisements as a way to show advertisements to users without posting them directly on the web page, as automakers fell into panic because they felt seriously damaged corporate image.

Zuckerman says, "I really apologized and I think that the development intention was not bad," in the article of The Atlantic, Zuckerman said that he created code launching a new window displaying advertisements when opening a web page I expressed my appreciation.

Zuckerman who expresses his own pop-up advertisement as "one of the most disliked by the advertiser's tool kit" says, "About 20 years after the pop-up advertisement came about 20 years ago, the Internet consisted of advertisement revenue "The current business model is on the verge of collapse" and pointed out, "We are approaching an era when users pay money in return for internet services just like they shop at stores" It was.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log