A major force in digital sales, what is a niche artist's utopia "CD Baby"?
Although it is not a major label, it boasts strong forces in the growing digital music industry, and a music company with more than 325,000 recording artists is "CD Baby"is. Rather than merely selling CDs and digital copies, the profits generated are accurately collected and distributed royalties, making it an ideal music company for artists who can not belong to or belong to a major label .
CD Baby, a Company for the Niche Musician - NYTimes.com
CD Baby located in Portland, Oregon,Four major labelsAlthough it is lower in recognition than the major label known worldwide, it is an existence which is acknowledged in the digital music industry.

In the catalog of iTunes, one song in six songs is a song being sold from CD Baby, and about 60 music download sites boast top class sales. Also in 2013CD BabyUploaded over 2 million songs to YouTube and it became a big income source for recording artists.
Mr. Tracy Maddux, chief executive officer, said, "We are proud of being an" anti label "," and for reasons such as low royalties and degrees of freedom, we belong to anywhere It is said that it is offering more than 5 million songs by more than 325,000 niche artists by giving an opportunity to record and release music to an artist. Despite the ambition, many artists who want to be independent and refuse to contact with major labels are sending music from CD Baby to the world.

movies"MemphisSinger-songwriter who provided music with "Willis Earl BealHe previously belonged to a label and released debut album etc, but he wanted independence and he searched for "independent music distribution" on Google search and found CD Baby. Willis told 'For CD players indie artists wanting neutrality like me, CD Baby is perfect,' 'Bruno MarsIt is different from a famous artist active on major labels like, but because CD Baby never forces a release schedule, it is characterized by the ability of the artist to compose as he wants to do.
Rap duo'sMcMullmore & Ryan Lewisof"The Heist"Was released from Warner Bros., won the Grammy Award in January 2014, but the early album was released from CD Baby. Singer-songwriter'sJack JohnsonAlso released at CD Baby at the time of debut, using CD Baby as a departure point, it is also free to enter the label later.

◆ CD Baby business model
The artist pays CD Baby as a charge for $ 12.95 (about 1300 yen) for single production and $ 49 (about 5000 yen) for album production. The right to price the completed song is on the artist side, and CD Baby has a commission of 4 dollars (about 400 yen) for each sales of CD and record physical medium, 9% fee for each digital sale I will. For artists who release songs from CD Baby in the long term, sales rights data access rights etc. are also given.
Also becoming a strong wind for CD Baby is the provision of the copyright law to restore the ownership of the artist called "termination rights" from the label. Once the termination right is executed, the artist can also raise the music sold from the label and release it from CD Baby with high margin.

ByChris Carter
Although digital sales and music streaming are becoming mainstream music industry, since the profit margin is lower than CD, the artist "necessarily can not eat even if making music" inevitably becomes many inevitably. Founder of CD BabyDerek ShivesMr,"You could bet, even saxophonist John Coltrane and physicist Richard P. Feynman would have thought that the performance and ideas were very commonplace. In other words, even for something that is common for me, is not it great for someone"It also can be read that CD Baby is aiming for an ideal place to bring out good music to the world.
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