Even with a short presentation is a point to communicate charm as intended and to gain empathy

ByNASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Many people have made presentations (presentations) to convey the appeal of goods and services to their opponents, but among them especially start-up companies and others will make money to investors The presentation to be done is "pitchIt is called "pitch", and it is required to gain empathy by letting others who do not know what kind of proposal to do about this service to understand charm and merit with a single shot.

About points to keep in mind with such pitch scene, it is one of America's famous venture capitalY CombinatorMr. Aaron Harris who is a partner at the company is summarizing it on his own blog, but it is a know-how that is likely to be useful not only in pitch but also in every scene of everyday life.

Advice on pitching - Aaron's Blog

Mr. Harris puts the points in the pitch into three categories, "How to talk," "How to use graphs and numbers," and "Showing slides".

◆ How to talk

ByKris krüg

· Speak slowly.
· Increase the tension. It is a negative point that gives the impression that he taught me indifferently as if he had memorized me round. Intonation, inflection of voice, sometimes making a loud voice are sometimes effective.
· The content of the story is concrete, clearly.
· Point your eyes to the audience. Rather than looking at someone in particular, gazing at the vicinity of the seat. The one being seen seems to be talking to myself.
· In the story there are words meaningless such as "Eh ... ..." and "That ~ ... ...", so-called "Beard of wordsDo not enter.
· Explain what to do in the pitch and do it immediately.
· When changing the talk flow greatly, tell the other party and explain the reason.
· To clearly communicate the points of the talk without making them fluffy.
· When inserting a joke, first wake it up in a letter in advance. If you feel it is meaningless to truncate.
· Do not spare yourself the first point of the story, and clearly tell it at an early stage.
· To make natural language usage and simple sentence assembly method. For example, do not make a sentence that is "nested" like three verbs in a sentence.
· Avoid words that you never used in regular conversations.
· To emphasize the case of concrete someone as an example. It makes us realize that we are modeling someone who is real, not a general user model.

◆ How to use graphs and numbers

ByKen Teegardin

· Only one point per graph or figure should be easily understood. If you make the graph "read", the audience will stop listening to the story.
· If you make it complicated and confusing graphs, attention is paid because the audience will be sick and will not listen any more.
· When writing graphs showing growth, the line graph is better than the bar graph.
· Even if the number is small, attach an actual figure to each axis. What matters is the linear shape that the graph draws rather than the fine number.
· Please mention the case of exception.
· When units of figures change suddenly at the stage of mentioning earnings, attention is paid because the person hearing is "to fake?"
·TAMHow to estimate Total Available Market (effective market size) should not be top-down but bottom-up method to build up from the bottom.

◆ Showing slides

ByEntrepreneurs Club Berlin

· The title should indicate the contents of the slide.
· Make sure that the slides are completed every one sheet so that you can understand the meaning from where you start seeing.
· The attentiveness of the audience is not always suitable for us. Sometimes thinking about other things, checking the smartphone, keeping the content understood immediately when they come back to you.
· Too sticking to the design, do not use fonts that look good and refreshing. Choosing a font based on the fact that the contents are transmitted with a single shot from any distance.
· It is important to be aware that the coolness of appearance and readability are different things.
· When inserting a screen shot of a PC screen on a slide usually fails.

In this way, from knowing what I had known to new lessons, it was a know-how that would be useful in a variety of everyday situations. First of all, it may be good to start by referring to a person with a good presentation.


in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log