I ate shrimp ice "raw strawberry" using plenty of strawberry pulp

Speaking of staple of syrup of shaved ice is strawberry and green tea etc, but "Shimura"Is famous for high-priced shaved ice to come out, among which" Raw Ichigo "is not simply syrup, but a lot of strawberry pulp is used to enjoy the texture. Because it was hot weather, I ate shaved ice and it froze.

Shimura's address is "Mejiro 3 - 13 - 3 Toshima - ku, Tokyo." I have a store in Meguro street.

Arrived at the shop.

The date of arrival was quickly disappearing due to out of materials, and as soon as entering the shop, it became the last order.

Even raw raw strawberries of interest can be seen in food samples quite a bit.

Shimamura is a Japanese sweet shop on the first floor and a cafe room on the second and third floor.

Go upstairs and head to the second floor where there is a coffee shop.

Despite the time past 6 o'clock, several customers were waiting. Saturday and Sunday seems to have a queue up to the bottom of the stairs.

This is the second floor coffee shop.

This time it was introduced to the tea room on the third floor. Go to the 3rd floor with an elevator.

The tea room on the third floor is like this. As soon as the customer got out of the store quickly on this day, I will order "raw strawberries (800 yen including tax)" for the target.

Wait 10 minutes for the menu to arrive. The combination of strawberry and icy red and white is beautiful.

Compared to iPhone 5 which I had, I can understand well that the height of shaved ice surpasses general one.

I took a picture and took it.

The syrup is not mere strawberry taste but fruit pulp ......

That amount is such that the bottom of the dish is covered with strawberries.

There is no syrup on the reverse side, it is white and contrasting.

First of all, I tried eating only syrup of pulp, the original sweet and sourness of strawberries remained firmly, and the texture is close to the strawberry jam which the flesh remained. Since it is not too sweet, it is not a problem to eat only this part.

Of course, even if you eat it with ice you can feel cold and summerlike taste. The ice was thinly sliced ​​and melted in the mouth.

I will eat strawberries and ice for more and more.

Anyway, there are lots of strawberry syrup, so you should not be stuck with strawberries.

Ice melted rapidly as time passed.

As mentioned above, depending on the case, it will be slightly inclined, so you need to be careful when eating.

Eating forward is like this.

There is no need to worry that "only syrupless ice will remain unless you leave the syrup part."

Ice and syrup grew steadily as I went eating. Even if it mixes, sweetness does not feel weak, and this was deliciously eaten with this.

Ice almost melted at the end.

Complete food by eating strawberries with grain left. Because the plenty of strawberry grains are contained, the price of 800 yen including tax was felt by Otoku.

After finishing eating shaved ice, a warm tea was offered.

Shimamura's business hours are from 10 o'clock to 19 o'clock and the last order is 18:30, but it may be too early. It was extremely crowded because it was summer, but it is also ant that I am going off the peak because it sells except summer.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log