`` Computoser '' that automatically generates and continues to play music simply by selecting conditions such as atmosphere, tempo, instrument etc. for free

The music you want to listen to varies depending on your mood, such as when you are happy or sad, but you can select items according to your mood at that time with the feeling that you want to hear a fast tempo and an electro-like piano song in a fun atmosphere! “ Computoser ” is a free music player that can automatically generate songs according to your settings on your browser.
Computoser-unique, computer-generated music

When you scroll down the screen, there are various selection items.
Select “happy”, “sad”, “Tempo” from “Mood” from 6 levels, and “Accompaniment” in “Optional” / Yes / No chords Choose from.

'Instrument' includes piano, guitar, steel guitar , french horn , clarinet, string, oboe, etc. in addition to Any.

'Scale ( scale )' Major Minor Harmonic Minor Melodic Minor Natural Minor Dorian Lydian Mixolydian Turkey, India, Bruce major pentatonic , minor pentatonic ...... choose from

After that, you can decide categories such as “Classical”, “Electronic-like”, “Drum”, “More dissonant”, etc.

The setting selected this time is like this. If you don't have a special favorite instrument, you can listen to various music by setting it to 'Any'.
When you click 'Next' on the player at the top of the screen, a song that reflects the set items is automatically generated and played.

If you press “Next” again, another song with the same setting will be played. If you change the setting, you can enjoy a completely different song. If you want to save your favorite song, you can download the file from one of the 'MIDI / MP3 / MusicXML' below the player or generate a link.

You can listen to the song you created this time. None of the songs have vocals, but if you decide on the settings, you will be able to play music of your favorite tunes endlessly, so it might be useful as a working BGM.
The Clouds And A Nice Smoke-track # 6352-Computoser

Computoser also has an Android app, so if you like it, you can generate music anytime and anywhere on your smartphone.
Computoser-Android application on Google Play
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