How to set " bypass" to Chrome · Firefox which can directly click on real link without following Twitter's forced shortened URL ""

ByGwyneth Anne Bronwynne Jones

In Twitter, when you tweet URL, short URL using "" is automatically created. At first glance, the URL in the tweet shows part of the real destination URL which is not short URL using However, clicking this link will move the site via's shortened URL It has become. It is a convenient shortened URL because it shortens long URLs, but there is a disadvantage that redirects occur or the link destination can not be tracked when the site moves. Therefore, you can directly click the official URL without going through such shortened URL " bypassI installed it in Google Chrome · Firefox and tried it.

Tony-o / · GitHub

Add bypass as an extension to Google Chrome
First, download the bypass repository. the abovesiteClick "Download ZIP" in the lower right corner of the page.

Click "OK" to save the ZIP file to your favorite place such as desktop,ExplzhUnzip it with etc.

Extensions page in Google Chrome (Chrome: // extensions /), Check "Developer mode", then click "Load unpackaged extension".

Specify the repository folder "" decompressed earlier and click "OK".

Then, the bypass function was added to the page of the extended function.

Try tweeting URLs on Chrome When the mouse cursor is placed on the URL link in the tweet with the bypass function disabled, the short URL of Twitter official starting with is displayed at the bottom left of the screen and the page is switched via

In contrast, with the bypass function enabled, you can directly click on the tweeted URL instead of's shortened URL.

Add bypass function to Firefox
To add the bypass function in Firefox, first install the addon "Greasemonkey". In Firefox's "Tools" → "Add-ons", display the add-on screen, enter "greasemonkey", search for Greasemonkey, and click "Install".

Again on bypass pageGo to "greasemonkey.user.js".

Click "Raw".

Click "Install".

It is OK if " bypass 1" is displayed in the Greasemonkey user script on the add-on screen.

in Review,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log