CMYK Playing Cards which distinguishes numbers and patterns with CMYK color density
Even if there are various patterns, there are many same things written, but instead of numbers or patterns, it is better to distinguish cards at CMYK model color density instead of "CMYK Playing Cards"is. It is unusual in other designs, and it seems that you can differentiate from people if you use it.
CMYK Playing Cards
That is why thisCMYK Playing Cards. The package is simple.
I will play cards from inside the box.
When I looked from the side, it was 4 layers clean with cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
This cardboard is like this.
The reverse side is decorated with a delicate beautiful design.
Characters of CMYK.
The size of the card is 63 mm × 88 mm, which is the same size as the cards of poker size.
I used a sturdy paper called black core paper made in Germany. Processing has been done, the surface was slightly decorated.
This is cyan.
In all four types of aces, each alphabet is described.
Between 2 and 10 cards, the density of each color is displayed, not numbers but from 20% to 100%. For example, the following is 80% cyan.
Jack · Queen · King looks the same design at 100% concentration, each line thickness is different.
In addition to the number card, it included the following four kinds. The second from the left is the same pattern drawn on both sides.
When all the cards are arranged side by side, it is like this. Seven seems to be very nice looking.
You can check the way you actually use playing cards from the following movies.
CMYK Playing Cards Playing Cards by Color - YouTube
In addition, the price of CMYK Playing Cards is 9 pounds (about 1570 yen), and when ordering from Japan, including the postage etc is 14.50 pounds (about 2540 yen) in total.
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