A man who was regarded as "Nakamoto Satoshi" in the whirlpool announces a statement denying involvement

As being the identity of the inventor "Tetsushi Nakamoto" of the virtual currency "bit coin"Newsweek magazine coverageHad been doneDorian Satoshi NakamotoMr. Miyuki announced a statement denying its involvement and appealed to respect the privacy of the family including himself.

Man who Newsweek says is Bitcoin's creator issues new denial, hints at legal action - Neowin

Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto Denies All Bitcoin Ties In Verified Letter Via Lawyer | TechCrunch

Statement announced through a lawyer is here. "We have never devised, invented and invented bit coins, we will unconditionally deny the content of the Newsweek magazine," he said.

Among them, Mr. Nakamoto said, "Although I have a career as an engineer and have some programming skills," "The most recent work involved is the repair of equipment related to FAA (American Aeronautics and Space Administration) , "We do not have cryptographic technology, P2P technology, knowledge on virtual currency, never worked," he denies involvement. In the first place, since the economic hardships in the past ten years, I have not worked as an engineer or programmer, so after 2013 I have not been able to connect to the Internet, so Newsweek magazine coverage Arguing that it is also troubling the job searching under the head.

Also, it was the first time I heard the name "bit coin" since February 2014, and it was the first time I heard it when my son told me that a reporter visited the interview, and in that case It is touched on the fact that it has evolved into a situation calling the police for reporters' interview.

Mr. Nakamoto has a mother who is 93 years old, and it is said that other members of the family are confused as a result of this news report. Mr. Nakamoto said, "I will not make any remarks concerning this matter in the future, with a view to legal compliance," and concludes the statement with respect to privacy respect.

A major controversy over the identity of "Nakamoto Tetsushi" in the middle,P2P FoundationTomofumi Nakamoto descending in the middle of the entrance and leaving the comment "I am not Dorian Nakamoto (I am not Dorian Nakamoto.)". Searching for identity of "Nakamoto Tetsushi" is a situation where mystery calls a mystery.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log