Android 4.4.2 turned out to invalidate the booster to manipulate the benchmark score

When launching the benchmark application used to examine the performance of the smartphone temporarily improves the performance and makes the test appear to be goodPresence of a terminal secretly carrying the "benchmark booster" functionIt is clear that Samsung's one is known as one of themGALAXY S4WhenGALAXY Note 3And, Android is the latest version4.4.2 (KitKat), We found that the booster function is invalidated.

Samsung's KitKat update seems to remove benchmark-boosting "shenanigans" | Ars Technica

The benchmark booster will be released in September 2013It is found in GALAXY Note 3 released in the USA, The same operation has been confirmed with other Samsung smartphones that have been updated to Android 4.3 afterwards.

this time,Ars TechnicaButAT & amp; TOf GALAXY S4SprintWe performed a benchmark test to compare the two versions of Android 4.3 and 4.4 using GALAXY Note 3 of the latest version and found that the benchmark booster has been disabled on the latest version of Android 4.4.2.

Below is a screen shot of the normal state of GALAXY Note 3 of Android 4.3. You can see that the CPU status is displayed in the lower right and that all four CPUs are operating at "300 MHz".

The famous benchmark test application of GALAXY Note 3 of Android 4.3 "Geekbench 2"Geekbench 3"AnTuTuActivate. The CPU operates at the highest value "2.3 GHz" when starting any application, and features of the booster appear that "When you run the benchmark application, you try to earn a score by increasing the operation speed of the CPU" I will.

"Vellamo"AndEBench"3D MarkEven the same result.

Below is a screenshot of launching the same benchmark application with Android 4.3 GALAXY S4. The clock speed of the CPU is boosted to the highest value "1.9 GHz".

On the other hand, here is a screenshot of starting up the benchmark application with GALAXY Note 3 which updated OS on Android 4.4.2. Most of the CPU is "300 MHz", at the maximum it is "653 MHz", you can see that the booster is invalidated.

Even with GALAXY S4 of Android 4.4.2, we confirmed invalidation of benchmark booster.

Below is the result of the benchmark test by Geekbench 3 which was done on Android 4.2.2 / 4.3 / 4.4.2 respectively. It is a benchmark test value that showed a rise for every update so far, but in the latest version of Android 4.4.2, the booster has been invalidated, the figure is decreasing. Unless weird boost was applied in 4.3, it should have never seemed as if performance deteriorated ... ....

By the way, the benchmark boosterIt is also included in many other Android devicesIt can be said that Android 4.4.2 has finally made it possible to compare each terminal in a raw state.

in Mobile,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log