Sorrent's nutrition composition table finally completed & released, in February the product version will be delivered

New food that allows you to live without eating meat and vegetables "SorrentoTo manufactureRosa LabsHas beenRaw material of soilentYaBreakdown of nutrientsAnd so on in the development blog. And at the end of January 2014 the nutrient composition table which is the final version of Soilent to be sold as a product will be released and it seems that it is nearly imminent that Sirento arrives at the hands of consumers.

Soylent: Soylent 1.0 Final Nutrition

The published nutrition information table is kore.

Soilent is divided into a powder pack and an oil pack, and it mixes with water and completes it, but according to the published material, the calorie and various nutritional components in soilent 148 g are as follows.

Oil pack pear: 510 kcal, oil pack ant: 670 kcal

Fat content is 5 grams, sodium is 350 milligrams, potassium is 1155 milligrams, carbohydrate 84 grams, protein 38 grams

Besides, it contains many nutrients such as vitamin, iron, zinc, niacin, and calcium.

For adult males, about 2,200 kcal per day and adult females take 1,800 kcal per day as a guide, and if you ingest 2,000 kcal and 2,500 kcal of siren, you can take the following nutrients.

Note that, in all components and manufacturing processesRFIIt seems that I got certification from, and I am aiming for delivery in February 2014.

in Junk Food, Posted by logu_ii