Discovered unauthorized access to Facebook with password leaked from Adobe

For Adobe's 2.9 million user informationDiscovery of unauthorized access. Furthermore, it is clear that the ID and password information of 38 million users, which is thirteen times that number, was also stolen, but with this outflow password this time even the risk of reaching accounts of other services such as Facebook I will.

Facebook Warns Users After Adobe Breach - Krebs on Security

Facebook announced that it had suspicious access to multiple accounts from other websites. Although it was not attacked directly, it is dangerous to use the same password on other software and website, and we are calling for change of password.

Security-related news site Krebs on Security said, "Although passwords that were leaked from Adobe are encrypted, they can not be said to be safe because they can access the database by calculating, estimating, and obtaining encryption keys," he said. Respectively.


There is also a blog that exposes the procedure to break through encrypted passwords, using password hints as clues of user information leaked from Adobe.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Hackers: Can someone be targeted using the Adobe breach?

If you are using one password for various services, not just Facebook, let's change your password as soon as possible.

in Note,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log