"Synthetic Sky" to synthesize days with similar weather from past data and visualize today's sky
Weather application using smart phone battery temperatureAndAn application that can confirm surrounding rainfall information using a cameraWeather-related applications and services are evolving day by day, but weather images may be difficult to add with colors or numerical values alone. In such a case it is helpful to use services that will synthesize today's sky from photos of skies with past weather forecast values and visualize them "Synthetic Sky"is.
Synthetic Sky
The top page of Synthetic Sky looks like this. Based on sky photos of the past three years and data such as temperature, pressure, humidity, cloud amount, rainfall, wind direction / wind power at that time,K-neighbor methodIt searches sky photos of a moment similar to today's weather data using visualization of the predicted sky for each time period.
Click "Tokyo" in the lower right of the screen ... ...
You can select the place you want to predict the sky.
Selectable cities are "Tokyo (Tokyo)" "Yokohama (Yokohama)" "Osaka (Osaka)" "Nagoya (Nagoya)" "Sapporo (Sapporo)" "Kobe (Kobe)" "Kyoto (Kyoto)" "Fukuoka (Fukuoka) "," Kawasaki (Kawasaki) "" Saitama (Saitama) "" Hiroshima (Hiroshima) "" Sendai (Sendai) "12 places. I will try and display the sky of Osaka.
Click "OK".
Then, I predicted and displayed the sky of today's Osaka like this. The sky flows every two hours from the left, and it is possible to see the forecast from 4 o'clock to 20 o'clock.
Although it is impossible to change the date and the sky can be displayed only in 12 places nationwide, imagine the weather of the day only with images, a tool that improves the accuracy of prediction if more data is accumulated So it seems to be a service that you can expect in the future.
The developer of Synthetic Sky, Ken Kawamoto,TempescopeWe also make interior that visually teaches the weather that this Tempescope isGitHubSince the production procedure has been made public, it is possible to make your own if you arrange the materials.
Tempescope, a box of rain in your living room - YouTube
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