Ultimate bedding "HoodiePillow" became able to sleep anywhere with a hood and pillow united together

I want to sleep whenever you can ski anytime and anywhere ...... The pillow perfect for those who are seeking sleep as much as they thinkHoodiePillow"is. HoodiePillow is a pillow with a hood as its name suggests it can be moved while wearing it on his head. Furthermore, it became convenient to carry by miniaturizing the pillowHoodie Travel Pillow"Is also on sale.

HoodiePillow® Brand Pillowcase and Hooded Travel Pillow

Hoodie Pillow - buy at Firebox.com

Hoodie Travel Pillow - buy at Firebox.com

What this pillow and hood are united withHoodiePillow. It is possible to relax comfortfully anytime anywhere if you are wearing HoodiePillow, playing games, sleeping on the sofa, reading books or doing anything.

HoodiePillow has a small pocket, and the fabric is made of fleece material.

All four colors, this is black.


blue. There is a passage that guides the earphone to the hood part in the pocket.

Red. You can get HoodiePillow for $ 24.95 (about 2500 yen).

Here the weight of the pillow was reducedHoodie Travel Pillow.

You will be able to sleep comfortably everywhere, such as buses and trains, light fence shielding is also possible if you hit the hood completely, you will not have to worry about seeing a face while sleeping.

This color is all three types, this is black.


gray. Hoodie Travel Pillow is available for $ 19.95 (approximately 2000 yen).

If you look at the following movie, you can see how to use HoodiePillow.

HoodiePillow.com - You make everything good. - YouTube

The voice of the user who bought this HoodiePillowOfficial siteIt is written, and there is a thing called "I'm helping to block the light in the morning" and "How I have lived without HoodiePillow!" So if you try using it once you get addicted to the magical It may be a pillow.

in Video,   Design, Posted by logu_ii