Infographic "Evolution of The IT PRO" summarizing the history of IT development

The evolutionary speed of IT is spectacular, for example, it was revolutionary technology to be able to store data on a floppy disk in the 1970s, but CDs, flash drives and cloud computing appeared one after another . 5 MBSeagateHDD made in 1980 at the time of sale was 1,500 dollars (about 300,000 yen), but as of 2013 you can get a high speed SSD of 256 GB with less than half the price. Microsoft continues to develop infographic graphics that summarizes the evolutionary history of IT that continues to evolve at such a horrible rateEvolution of The IT PRO"We publish it as.

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In 1974 Intel introduced 8-bit microprocessor "Intel 8080In the following yearVersion 6 UnixHas been released. In 1976, a 5.25-inch floppy disk was invented, and in the following year in 1977 AppleApple IIAnnouncement. And in 1978 Intel was the first in the worldX86Architecture microprocessorIntel 8086Will be announced.

In 1980 Microsoft was laterMS-DOSBecomeQuick and Dirty Operating System (QDOS)We bought a non - exclusive license for. From 1980 to 1983, a number of computer-related companies including Adobe, Compaq, Electronic Arts, etc. were born, and in 1984DellAppeared and recorded sales of 73 million dollars (about 16.2 billion yen) in the first year. IT grows steadily from here on. In addition, it is said that the game "Tetris" which is still strongly popular is released in the former Soviet Union in 1984.

From 1986 to 1995, the number of PC sales increased explosively, and all companies started to install PCs at their desk desks. In 1989 IntelIntel 486We began selling microprocessors, in the same year Microsoft introduced MacOffice 1"Office for MacReleased. And in 1991 Linux was announced as the world's first open source system. "Microsoft released from Microsoft in 1995Microsoft Windows 95"Was a major event representing the 1990s, was also reported in television news at that time, caused a social phenomenon. In the same year, is open.

From 1996 to 2005, we operate equipment such as computers and data communication including servers and mainframesData centerHas been established everywhere in the world, it has been 10 years since the desktop changes to the data center. In 1996, Hotmail will launch the world's first webmail, but the next year it will be bought by Microsoft for $ 400 million (about 43.2 billion yen). In 1999VMwareIs the first productVMware WorkstationReleased.

It was said that there was a possibility that the computer malfunctioned in 2000Year 2000 ProblemThe US government invested 100 billion dollars (about 10.7 trillion yen) in order to respond to it, but as a result it did not cause such big confusion as to directly lead to the living that the mass media had been stirring. In 2001, Windows Xp was released, and in 2002 Compaq was merged with Hewlett-Packard for $ 25 billion (about 3,125 billion yen), and Hewlett-Packard became the world's largest PC maker.

Cloud computing · smartphones will appear in 2006 and beyond, the notion of virtual space gradually becoming established more and more in general, and in 2010, MicrosoftCloud platformofWindows AzureReleased.

In 2012, 62 billion dollars (about 6.1 trillion yen) will be added to the cloud service and it will turn into a big business. As interesting data, in 2012, 72 hours of movies every minute uploaded to YouTube, 684,478 pieces of content on Facebook, 175,000 tweets were posted on Twitter. In addition, Skype announced that the user's daily total call duration reached 2 billion minutes. From 2011 to 15 years, the IT-related employment rate will rise 4.3% and the cloud service related employment rate will rise by 26%.

The employment rate of the IT industry after 2015 is expected to increase by 53.4% ​​for network system and data communication analysis, 44.6% for application software engineers and 29% for system analysis, and IT evolves at an unimaginable speed I will do it.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log