What is happening on the Internet in just one minute
Such as "total tweets", "number of videos posted on YouTube", and "number of words being searched on Google", such as the number of various events occurring on the Internet in just one minute SummarizedInfographicsis. Because we focus on web services that are likely to be experienced by many Internet users, figures can be felt familiar and it will not be a chance for us to think about the current spread of the Internet scale and information speed and quantity again Is it?
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INFOGRAPHIC: What Happens Online Every 60 Seconds
This is an infograph showing "What's happening on the Internet in one minute".
Yahoo! Answers(Yahoo! Chiebukuro) There are 40 types,Answers.comIn case of 100 kinds of doubts are cast, and 13 thousand iPhone applications are downloaded.TumblrIt has been posted twenty thousand times, an online dictionary specialized in slangUrban DictionaryThere is one new definition added to it. Also, the document sharing siteScribdHas been viewed 1600 times, Internet radioPandora13,000 hours of streaming playback is being performed on the Internet.
YouTube600 new videos are posted and the total playing time of the video reaches as much as 25 hours. There are 70 new domains throughout the web, 60 new blogs are born, and 1500 posts are made in the whole blog. A total of 168 million mails were sent,Google694,445 times are also searched.
Can exchange local informationCraigslist12,000 new advertisements were posted,SkypeThe call is made for 370,000 minutes (6166 hours) as well. newTwitterThe number of accounts has increased by 320, and 98,000 tweets are said. In addition, SNS specialized in businessLinkedInThere are 100 new accounts created,Yahoo!There is a new article posted on.
FirefoxWas downloaded 1700 times,FacebookIt has been updated 695,000 times, and there are 70,394 wallposts, 51540 comments have been made. Also,Word pressHas been downloaded 50 times and its plugin has been downloaded 125 times. AndFlickerIt seems that 6,600 new photos have been uploaded.
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in Note, Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log