"7 Min :: A Quick Workout Timer" which counts 12 exercises that can maximize effect in just 7 minutes

ByHelga Weber

While taking a 10-second break between intervals, it counts 12 types of exercise done in 7 minutes as "7Min :: A Quick Workout Timer"is. The instructed exercise produces the maximum fitness effect by alternately repeating high addition and low load motionInterval trainingAnd thatThe effect has been proved scientifically.

7Min :: A Quick Workout Timer

When you click "Start" on the top page, exercise specification and count starts.

First of all let's jump and spread and close the legs "Jumping Jacks". The number that appears on the other side of the man who takes a pose is the remaining time to continue exercising.

There is a 10-second break between exercise and exercise. Under the red circle is also displayed what the next exercise is.

Air chair "Wall Sit" to seat back on the wall and sit on the chair in the air

While holding a break, more and more exercise will be specified. Next is a push up.

Abdominal crunch to train abs.

Ascending and descending with chairs.


Triceps training using chairs placed behind.

Plank 's pose to train abdominal muscles and trunk.

Running with the knees raised high.

Ranges that protrude the knee and support the body.

Rotate your body after push-up. In the middle, you will be instructed by voice saying to exercise with the left and right reversed.

Side Planck.

After 7 minutes of exercise, the screen displays a large "DONE" letter.

When exercising alone, the timing of relaxing or getting out of hand often gets mixed, but if it is an A Quick Workout Timer, exercise is forcibly done, so we will make a fixed amount each time It is possible. Although the workload is hard training of 8 out of 10, health journal published by the American Sports Medicine Association "ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal"Also introduced in the New York Times, the effect is a success.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log