Why do we need the strength of the 'trunk'? How can I maintain my core?

Many people are living a more sedentary life than before the pandemic due to the shift to remote work and less frequent outings due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Many people say that the muscles of the 'trunk', which is important for living healthy, are weakened by such a life, so why is the trunk important and how can it be maintained at the
Core strength: why is it important and how do you maintain it?
The trunk is the torso and consists of the muscles that surround the spine and pelvis. This includes not only the muscles on the front of the body, such as the abdominal muscles, but also the muscles on the lower back, flanks, and other areas that are not normally conscious.
There may not be many people who are conscious of the trunk on a daily basis, but the trunk plays an important role in stabilizing the spine and pelvis, and it is the key to maintaining a good posture. thing. Lavender points out that the function of the trunk also affects the movement of the limbs, and people with a weak trunk are more likely to get injured on their backs.
In addition to exercises such as running, jumping, tackling, and weightlifting, the core is required for daily activities such as getting up from a chair, standing, walking, lifting things, and vacuuming. Like other muscles, if you don't use your core, it will weaken, causing you to slow down and strain other parts of your body, or to have back pain as a result of your weakened core. In addition, it seems that knee pain is also a sign that the trunk is weak, and past studies have shown that combining physical therapy and trunk training greatly reduces knee pain. ..

Lavender points out that if you haven't been exercising for a while and have knee or lower back pain, it's a sign from your body that your core muscles are weak. 'The good news is that exercise can improve your core strength,' he said, arguing that non-athletes with weak cores should work out.
The training that Mr. Lavender recommends to train the core is as follows.
Abdominal muscle exercise (crunch), which is familiar in school exercise ability measurement, and sit-ups, in which the legs are lifted and the knees are bent 90 degrees, are effective for training the rectus abdominis muscle, which is mainly known as the abdominal muscle. ..

Plank is an effective exercise that trains the abdominal muscles and other cores, with the legs extended and lying down, with the arms open about the width of the shoulders and raising only the upper body. Lavender says that it is possible to increase the load with a little ingenuity, such as side plank that plans sideways or one leg plank that raises one leg from normal plank.

Also, performing these exercises on an unstable object such as a balance ball or a semi-circular

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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik