What are the 5 precautions to be aware of when recovering from the new corona and exercising for the first time in a long time?

When recovering from the long fighting life of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), some people may have noticed that their physical strength and muscles have completely weakened and are impatient to 'regain their physical strength.'
Regaining fitness after COVID infection can be hard. Here are 5 things to keep in mind before you start exercising again
https://theconversation.com/regaining-fitness-after-covid-infection-can-be-hard-here-are-5-things-to-keep-in-mind-before-you-start-exercising-again- 180588
If you have COVID-19, it seems dangerous to resume exercising immediately after the symptoms have subsided, and it is recommended that you resume exercising after an asymptomatic period of at least 7 days. In addition, if the symptom does not heal within 2 weeks after it appears, it is necessary to see a doctor.
Even after a seven-day asymptomatic period, even if you can exercise on a sunny day, your body spends so much energy fighting the virus that fatigue makes it difficult to exercise as before. In addition, a study of elderly people admitted to the intensive care unit showed the possibility that 'up to 40% of muscle strength would be lost in the first week of getting stuck in bed', after falling asleep. Then my muscle strength is also weakening.
When muscles weaken, physical function declines, and the functions of the organs and immune system that are essential for regaining physical strength are also adversely affected. Therefore, Mr. Tan may stand up slowly, walk a little, or stretch lightly during COVID-19, especially for the elderly, obese, or suffering from an underlying illness. It states.

In addition, Tan said that the following five precautions should be observed when resuming exercise after an asymptomatic period.
◆ 1: Start with loose exercise
Even if you are a marathon runner, it is dangerous to recover from COVID-19 and suddenly try to run a long distance. Tan advises that after recovering from COVID-19, exercise should start with very low intensity, such as walking, stretching, yoga, and light muscle training.
◆ 2: Do not only aerobic exercise but also muscle training
Since muscle training may

◆ 3: Do not overdo it
Mr. Tan argues that after the recovery of COVID-19, you should not overdo it, breathe comfortably while exercising, and have enough intensity to talk, and start with about 10 to 15 minutes of exercise. Also, at first, he said that he should not think 'let's increase exercise intensity steadily', but should take a rest as soon as he feels fatigue or pain and try to recover his body.
◆ 4: Listen to the voice of the body
When increasing exercise intensity or lengthening the exercise time, it seems that it should be done only when there are no new symptoms after exercise and you can recover from the previous exercise firmly. It is necessary to regain physical strength and muscular strength according to the physical condition, such as taking a rest if you are tired the day before without overdoing it.
◆ 5: Beware of dangerous symptoms
'If you experience chest pain, dizziness, or difficulty breathing while exercising, stop exercising immediately. If you continue to have symptoms after exercising, see your doctor,' Tan said. I am.

In addition, Tan said that for some people, exercise after recovery from COVID-19 may exacerbate symptoms, and special attention should be paid to post-exercise fatigue. If you feel tired after exercising, you should stop exercising immediately and take a good rest, and in some cases, get appropriate advice from your doctor or physiotherapist.
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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik