Production cost of iPhone 5 is clear, almost the same level as iPhone 4S
IPhone 5 will be released shortly after launchDisassembled,Movie of decomposition procedure released on YouTubeAlthough it is made, the manufacturing cost was clarified. According to this, the manufacturing cost per unit is 199 dollars (about 15,000 yen) for the 16 GB model and $ 230 (about 18,000 yen) for the 64 GB model.
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This table shows the manufacturing cost of iPhone 5 and the cost by parts. The selling price is 649 dollars (about 50,000 yen) for the 16 GB model, 749 dollars for the 32 GB model (about 58,000 yen), and the 64 GB model is $ 849 dollars (about 66 thousand yen), but its cost is 199 Dollar (about 15,000 yen), $ 209 (about 16,000 yen), 230 dollars (about 18,000 yen). In addition, each manufacturing cost of 8 dollars (about 622 yen) will be charged.

Looking at the breakdown of parts, NAND flash ($ 10.4 per 16GB, about 809 yen), display & touch screen ($ 44, about 3423 yen), wireless communication module (34 dollars, about 2645 Yen), machinery and electronic parts (33 dollars, about 2567 yen), etc, except for processors and power supply modules.
By the way, compared with the manufacturing cost of iPhone 4S at the stage of October last year, the price of NAND flash is decreasing, but the price of large display and wireless communication module is rising.

Both the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 margins are around 70% regardless of the capacity of the internal storage.
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