Feeling crispy like a snack confection "Satokuri Tomato Snack" Taste Review
Tomato is active as a ingredient of cooking at the table, but it is rather unusual to eat as it is dried.Suwa ShotenHas released "Slowly tomato snacks"I decided to try eating it actually because I am finishing it with sweet and sour taste by making the snacks of the mini tomato dry as snacks.
The contents are transparent in a transparent package, but it is difficult to recognize as tomato at first look.
Dry dried mini tomatoes, flavored with salt.
This is the back side. The surface barely understands tomato thanks to the label, but when you see it from the back you can not grasp the identity. Somehow I feel like Karintō.
Raw materials are here. Simple content with almost material alone, imagined a rustic taste.
Then, it is opening breaking immediately. There is not much scent, but as you bring your nose closer you will smell a sour taste like tomato juice.
When putting it on a plate it looks like this.
Strange tomatoes. Even if you say a mini tomato in a bite, its shape and size vary.
If you look at it staring like this, you will be able to see Umeboshi dry.
When I try to break it seeds are inside.
As you can see, there is also a part of Heta, there is a side of tomato.
And it is crisp like a snack, so it can be shattered.
Although the taste leaves acidity, it mellows, and the sweetness unique to tomato is felt distinctly. It is said to be a mushroom salty, but it is not a salty taste like a snack confection, but the sweetness of tomato is complemented by salt, it is content that you can enjoy the taste of the material as it is. For example, it seems to have dried the tomato as it is. If you like tomatoes, it is worth to try once.
Although it looks like a snack, it is a product that feels the spread of possibilities as a food ingredient, such as putting it in powder form and sweetness using tomato's sour and sweetness.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log