St. Thomas University to re-change university name and establish new faculty and university disapprove due to spoof of backgrounds of presidents

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There is also a sense that the sense of school name is close to "etch" and avoidance of confusion with "wisdom publication" which published adult magazines such as "Della Beppin" In May 2007, "St. Thomas University" Wisdom university renamed to.

In accordance with renaming again from "St. Thomas University" to "Japan International Univ." In April 2012, we announced that we would establish a new department to survive, but the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology It was revealed that the establishment of the new faculty was disapproved.

St. Thomas University of Hyogo in Foundation of Undergraduate Appeals False Application Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Two years unlicensed new undergraduate - MSN Sankei News

St. Thomas Dae: Former presidents and others, six people, no new foundation of faculty falsification faculty affairs - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

Kobe newspaper | Education | False statement of application not approved new college establishment St. Thomas University

According to reports by Sankei Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun and Kobe Shimbun, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced that there was a false statement in the application for approval of the establishment of the new faculty submitted by St. Thomas University, and the school corporation " It is said that he decided not to approve a new faculty establishment application by the British College "for two years from fiscal 2012.

St. Thomas University was a college only with "Faculty of Human Culture," which reformed the Faculty of Letters until March 2008 and the Department of Letters from April 2008, but in accordance with changing the name of the university to "Japan International University" We planned to set up "International Liberal Arts Faculty" to study comparative culture and business mainly in English, and "Health Science Division" to study nursing.

However, despite being a "personal exchange director" of International Liberal Arts University in terms of employment history of President Michael Lactorin at the time in the personal record which I submitted at the time of applying for permission to establish new faculty in May, Vice President "and that there were seven injustices and inadequacies, including fake prostitution of five foreign nurse teachers, as if they had paid money as a genuine diploma.

By the way, St. Thomas University has continued its capacity quota, stopping recruiting freshmen in 2010. If the new department can not be established, there is a possibility that there will be no students from FY 2013 when the student graduated. Also, regarding this matter, the Public Relations Division of the university revealed that it will consider the possibility of rebuilding the university after acknowledging that there was an incompleteness in the checking system, such as mistranslation of English resumes .

Notice about applying for new faculty establishment | Notice | St. Thomas University

In addition, St. Thomas University said in a statement that received this disposition "There is no change in continuing stable education until graduation for all students currently enrolledIn addition, President Michael Lactorin resigned as of August 17, 2011 and Professor Steven Ryan, who has been in charge of subjects such as English education and intercultural communication at the same university since 1998, is temporary to the president It was revealed that he assumed office.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log