Major language school "Geos" to go bankrupt

Today Tokyo District Court has accepted petition for bankruptcy of major language school chain "Geos". Bad news for those who seek a job in Japan.
Read on for detail.
(PDF File)"Notice on proceeding in bankruptcy"
According to the press release, recent recession and tightening on consumer-protection law has caused decrease in the number of students and sales amount. Geos has worked on cost-cutting and restructuring on their organization. As a result, they secured a moratorium on principal repayments of the debt. But finally, they are no more able to continue picking up the bill.
Geos was founded in 1986 and since then they have been one of the leading language schools in Japan.
Here's their TV ad from 1993.
YouTube - 懐かしいCM1993中期3

Some of their services will be inherited by Gee Communication of Nagoya. Here's the link to the lists of closing and remaining schools.
Here's the complete list of 49 closing schools.
(PDF file)Closing Schedules | Geos, English Learning
And here's the 170 schools and 66 schools for kids to remain.
(PDF file)List of Remaining Schools | Geos, English Learning
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