Microsoft claims to a Android smartphone maker a patent fee, tens of billions of yen
It was reported that Microsoft requested a patent fee for major manufacturers of Android smartphones.
It has reached the scale of several tens of billion yen, and it has become a situation that may become headwind for Android smartphones that showed good sales.
Microsoft wants Samsung to pay smartphone license: report | Reuters

According to the Reuters news agency, Korean newspaper "Maeil Business Newspaper" will pay Microsoft for Samsung a fee of $ 15 (about 1200 yen) for each sale of a smartphone using Android OS He said that he requested it.
A similar request has already been made to Taiwanese smartphone maker, HTC company, and every time we sell one Android smartphone in April last year, we will charge a fee of $ 5 (about 400 yen) to Microsoft He said he agreed to pay.
Although Samsung has not officially commented on it, anonymous sources will work closely with Microsoft as Samsung does in developing Google and Android smartphones, instead of developing Windows Phone smartphones, I am revealing that we are trying to lower the patent fee to 10 dollars (about 800 yen) per one.
By the way, Samsung has sold about 19 million smartphones including "Galaxy S II" in the second quarter of 2011 and is closer to NOKIA, the top mobile phone industry partner Microsoft has tied up with, but if it says "$ 15 per car" If the request is approved, the patent fee for Samsung's second quarter of 2011 will be huge amount of $ 285 million (about 23.1 billion yen), so attention will be focused on future developments.
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in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log