"Stuttan tan" that the written character string becomes music

VOCALOIDAlthough it is "Composition" that became familiar presence with the appearance of, etc., there are times when you still feel the height of a little hurdle.

"Freshly baked"It is a service that when it writes a character string it becomes a music, it seems to be difficult to shape it as a song actually, but since it is quite easy to stick it, it may be possible to produce unexpected music if you try it variously not.

Details are as below.
Sutaddan | Post list

First of all, please listen to the two posts below.

Djsharpkid's Dirty Tatami

Freshly baked

easyplaypink の た ん た ん た ん

Tatasutatta Duta Suta Tota Dasetasutataisutasuta

You can reproduce the sound of the drum just by "Suata" "Don" "Tan". this isSiONIt uses what is called a software sound source, not only the drum sound above, even more complicated content is possible.

For example, this is "Super Mario Brothers" Underground BGM.

Mari's noodle soup

[どどどどどどr8r4]3 どどどどどどr8r8 どんすたすたどどすたどんたんどすたどどすたどんどv3どv7どv7ちー ;t112@3o4v15 c16>a16b-16>a16b-16f16d16e-16f16d16e-16a-8g8b24 r24b-24r24a24r24a-24r24

Gradius 2's start BGM. It seems that there is almost no part that is "Sutata station" any longer ....

sccwave の た ん た ん た ん

/*すたどんたんで グラディウス2スタート! http://mml.o-oi.net/ http://mmltalks.appspot.com/mml/users/Hautbois */ t150@v127べぃr1r1わーー; x128 @v70 %4 s30 q8 @1 o6 na0 l24 @q0 v15 e&e-&d&d-&c&c<]15cc&c2&q4c8 ; x128 @v70 %4 s30 q8 @p10 @1 o5 na0 l24 @q0 v15 b&b-&a&a-&g&g-& f&e&e-&d&d-&c& e-a-2&l8a-&q4a- ; x128 @v70 %4 s30 q8 @p-10 @2 o3 na0 l24 @q0 v14 l8d12e6&e d12e6&v12e& v10e&v8e @3 o5 na2 l4. @q0 v12 q7 @k6 f8 fcfb->e-a-2&l8q4a- ; x128 @v70 %4 s30 q8 @p20 @4 o5 na0 l24 @q0 v15 e&e&f#& f#&>e& e&f#&f#&< b&>e&f#&b&< v8 b&>e&f#&b&< v3 b&>e&f#&b @3 o5 na2 l4. @q0 v15 q7 b-fb->e-a->d-2&l8d-&q4d- ; x128 @v70 %4 s30 q8 @p-20 @4 o5 na0 l24 @q0 v15 @k-6 e&e&f#& f#&>e& e&f#&f#&< b&>e&f#&b&< v8 b&>e&f#&b&< v3 b&>e&f#&b @3 o5 na2 l4. @q0 v11 q7 @k-6 fcfb->e-a-2&l8a-&q4a- ; x128 @v50 s63 q8 %0 @0 o5 na0 l24 @q0 v15 @k3 e&e&f#& f#&>e& e&f#&f#&< b&>e&f#&b&< v8 b&>e&f#&b&< v3 b&>e&f#&b o3 na1 l16 @q0 v15 [c>c<]15cc&c2&q4c8 ; #TABLE 3 { (0) | (0,240)100 }; #TABLE 4 { (0) | (0,8)900 }; #TABLE 5 { (0,-12)30 | -12}; #TABLE 6 { (0,-31)100 | -31}; #TABLE 7 { (-31,0)240 | 0}; #TABLE 8 { (128,0)480 | 0}; #TABLE 9 { (0,-12)70(0,-12)70 | -12}; x128 @v70 s63 q8 %0 @0 r1r8 o3 na0 np3 nt4 v8 a2... np nt5 o3 v15 a32 @1 np nt6 o2g8 np nt7 na8 o2g1 ; x128 @v70 s63 q8 %0 @0 r1r8 o3 na0 np3 nt4 v8 @k6 a2... o3 na np0 nt9 v15a6 v10a6 v5a6 ; #REV; #FPS 600; #QUANT 8; //SCC-WAVES #WAVB00{7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f80808080808080808080808080808080}; #WAVB01{001931475A6A757D7F7D756A5A47311900E7CFB9A6968B8380838B96A6B9CFE7}; #WAVB02{00407F4001C081C001407F4001C0014001E0012001F0011001FFFFFFFF404040}; #WAVB03{00F0E0D0C0B0A090808080808080808080808080808080807F70605040302010}; #WAVB04{00407F400110202D37444E59636C73787C7F7C78736C594E44372D2010030201}; //table env #TABLE 0 { 128 | 128 }; #TABLE 1 { (128,80)60 | 80 }; #TABLE 2 { (80,128)30(128,60)80 | 60 };

Music Macro Language (MML)If you have the knowledge of it, you can also make music with more complicated content.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt