Recipes for pancakes with no explanation by sentences

Regular recipes are silly written that this amount is like this, but there is no explanation by text in this recipe at all.

Even people who have never made pancakes with such a recipe can do it well ...? There are other ways to make chocolate cake.

Browsing is from the following.
How to make pancake
242224749_18afda2f7b_o.jpg (JPEG image 1382 x 3415 pixels)

Here is how to make chocolate cake
239247558 ​​_ 680 df 673 c 0 _ o.jpg (JPEG image 1151 x 3837 pixels)

The recipe for a decent pancake is as follows.

Pancake - Recipe information - Yahoo! Gourmet

Let's make it! Pancake pancake, pancake - [bread] All About

Omake:How to make pancakes Movie

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log