Top 10 game event scenes that have been successful in arousing player fear

I think there are many people who are playing horror games at midnight and are too scared to go to the bathroom. Despite the limited conditions of a game, horror games such as
Here are the top 10 games that have been successful in arousing fear. Joystick Division-The Top Ten Disturbing Events In Video Games
10th place: Pamela's father (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
The father of a girl named Pamela who appears in the game was cursed while studying the ghost, and half of her body became like a mummy, and she was isolated by her daughter Pamela in Tansu. The melody of 'Healing Song' played by the main character Link was able to return to its original form, but in the legend of Zelda, which was originally a fantasy with a calm atmosphere, its appearance was a big shock.
YouTube --Majora's Mask --Gibdo Mask

9th place: Mannequins approaching
'Condemned: Criminal Origins' is a horror FPS released by Sega. It is a game with a good reputation for its horror expression, such as winning the 1st place in the 'most scary game in the last few years' ranking of the game information site IGN . In the scene in question, the mannequin, which should not move, gradually approaches each time the player moves forward. It's a game you don't want to play alone in the middle of the night.
YouTube --condemned mannequin scene

8th place: Psycho Mantis
Psycho Mantis is an enemy that appears in 'Metal Gear Solid' and has powerful psychokinesis, reading ability, and ability to manipulate the target's field of vision. In the play, you can use that ability to manipulate Merrill and steal Snake's view. It also has half a gag, but the mysterious ability makes you feel more scared because it is a game with realistic settings.
YouTube-Psycho Mantis fight, (MGS1)

7th place: Break the puppy's neck
'Bioshock' is a game with a lot of cruel depictions, and you are forced to make cruel choices such as killing a girl who has been turned into a monster and taking power, but the most scary thing is the puppy's neck. A scene where you are asked to fold. I don't know exactly what's going on with the sound alone, but if you go through the story, know the truth of the story, and look at this scene again, you'll see that it was a very scary scene.
YouTube --The cruelest moment in Bioshock yet

6th place: Intro (Max Pain)
'Max Payne' is a 3D action shooting game released in the United States in 2001. The story begins with a scene in which a wife and a child are attacked and killed by a drug addict. The special effect 'Bullet Time' used in the movie 'The Matrix' is reproduced as a game system, and its hard-boiled story is beautifully produced like a movie. It was actually made into a movie in 2008 and released in Japan. In the ranking, the scene of the evening when the intro's wife and child are killed is line quin.
YouTube --Max Payne Story Run --Intro
5th place: No Russian
In 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2', there is a scene where a player infiltrates a terrorist gang and slaughtered a civilian with the terrorist. Rather than a horror expression, it is an expression that forces a remorse for conscience, but in the German version, measures different from the home version were taken, such as the game being over when the player killed a civilian in this scene.
YouTube --Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Walkthrough --Act 1: No Russian HD

4th place: Lisa Trevor (Resident Evil remake version)
Lisa Trevor is a character that appears in the remake version, and is a woman who was the subject of a human experiment on the virus. The repeated administration of the virus gave him tremendous vitality, and he was supposed to be abandoned when the experiment became meaningless, but he was not dead, and he still lives in the Western-style building and encounters the main characters. .. Lisa Trevor, who wears handcuffs, legcuffs, and a mask made by joining human skin together, makes a scream-like scream, and is one of the most terrifying enemy characters of biohazard. increase.

3rd place: Tranquility Lane (Fallout 3)
'Fallout 3' is the third installment in the 'Fallout' series, which depicts the devastated world after the nuclear war. It is one of the most major game titles in the United States. 3 is developed by the team of
The scene in question is where the protagonist rushes into the past world of virtual space, where the protagonist asks a girl named Betty to harass her neighbors. Of course, you can choose a route to do good deeds, but if you try to do bad things, you can do pretty bad harassment.
In the movie below, I got a military school guide and lied that I could enter the military school, crying the boy Timmy in the neighborhood, breaking up the flirtation, breaking the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell, and using the crime prevention system. Killing Mabel Henderson.
YouTube --Fallout 3 (Tranquility Lane Part 1)

2nd place: Sanity System
'Eternal Darkness' is an adventure game released by Nintendo on the Nintendo GameCube, developed by Silicon Knights of Canada. Fight monsters with swords and guns, but when you receive evil vibrations, the hero's mental power 'sanity' will decrease, and the 'sanity system' will be incorporated that the world will tilt and hallucinations and auditory hallucinations will appear. I am. It is a system that seems to appear in Cthulhu mythological TRPG, but the production is original and elaborate, and the expression that stirs fear is made.
YouTube --Eternal Darkness Sanity Effects 1.5

1st place: Red Pyramid Thing
'Red Pyramid Head' shined in 1st place from Silent Hill. As a scene, the scene where the mannequin is raped is ranked in, but this character is directed to create a strong sense of oppression and a mysterious fear in each appearance scene, and the enemy appearing in the game It seems to be one of the scariest characters among the characters.
YouTube --Silent Hill 2: Pyramid Head raping mannequins.

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