"Do not sell junk food to children, and make fun of Donald" and NPO organizations asked McDonald's


Speaking of the image character of McDonald's major fast-food chain store, Donald (Ronald McDonald's overseas). Its clownish appearance has impact, it is an unforgettable character once you see it.

It seems that McDonald 's has been requested now to make this Donald fired. I do not think McDonald 's will respond, but what is happening on Donald' s body?

Details are as below.
McDonald's Marketing and Ronald McDonald Come Under Fire - WSJ.com

RELEASE: Doctors' orders to McDonald's: Stop marketing junk food to kids | Corporate Accountability International

NPO organizationCorporate Accountability InternationalHas been conducting a campaign to complain of harm to the cigarette and has carried out a campaign to eliminate bottled water (mineral water), but also to McDonald 's saying "Do not sell junk food to children" campaign , And in 2010 we have developed a "campaign to retire Donald" campaign.

Over 550 organizations and nutrition specialists such as the American Children's Youth Psychiatric Association and the Chicago Hispanic Health Association support this campaign, on May 18Chicago · Sun Times,New York · Metro,Boston · Metro,San Francisco Examiners,Minneapolis City Page,Baltimore City Paper"Opinion advertisement" McDonald's letter "will be published.

The content requires that "McDonalds stops selling children's foods containing high salt content, fat content, sugar content and high calorie value to children using Donald and a happy set with toys." In the United States, guidelines have been proposed by the Department of Agriculture, etc. Currently, foods for children (2 to 17 years old) are put in a certain amount of good health and calories and so on are suppressed, the wind blowing to the food industry is quite strong .

McDonald's said, "We take communication with children seriously and promise to make reliable advertisements." "We understand the importance of children's health and nutrition, We promise to participate in problem solving.We are delivering high quality meals, Happy meal (Happy set) offers children and diversity.Parents are happy set I am evaluating it. "

I have not specifically commented on Donald's death.

in Junk Food, Posted by logc_nt