96 health institutions are receiving support from carbonated drink companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi

BySean Loyless

American Heart Association(AHA) · American Diabetes Association (ADA) ·America Disease Control CenterThe Boston University research team found out that about 100 organizations including healthcare organizations (CDC) and others have received financial support from Coca-Cola or PepsiCo.

Big Soda sponsored 96 health groups - a big conflict of interest, study says - The Washington Post

Mr. Daniel Aaron and Mr. Michael Siegel of Boston University have published 96 health organizations that were implementing public health programs with sponsorship with Coca-Cola and PepsiCo between 2011 and 2015 . It has also been found that either Coca-Cola or PepsiCo or both companies were lobbying for 29 public health bills and public health provisions submitted at the same time. That is, the biggest company that sells carbonated drinks was providing financial assistance to an institution that may appeal to the dangers of sugar contained in carbonated drinks, but the two companies commented on this research I refuse.

The American Beverage Association (ABA), representing both Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, told the research that "American drink companies are engaged in public health issues, which means we want to make the American people stronger As we have pointed out, research points out that some of the organizations that we have supported are focusing on enhancing public health, We are proud to support you. "We announced a statement.


Other names such as the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the Youth Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), etc. have been listed as support groups, and the Boston University research pointed out the relationship between diabetes and consumption of carbonated drinks In a statement, JDRF said in a statement, "We are supporting autoimmune diseases and research on type 1 diabetes irrespective of food and lifestyle choices," and said that type 2 I emphasize that it is not related to diabetes.

Meanwhile before the research at Boston University,The sugar industry purchased scientists to seize the negative image on sugarA report indicating that it has been submitted has also been submitted. According to the report, in the study of Harvard University's "Influence of Cholesterol and Saturated Fat on Heart Disease", it is said that the existence of sugar with great influence has been neglected.

In recent years, legislation such as enactment of carbonated drinking tax has been submitted in the United States, but Save the Children, the organization that claimed the strongest carbonic drink tax enactment, will be 500 from Coca-Cola in 2010 We also know that we have stopped support for carbonated drink tax after receiving a subsidy of ten thousand dollars (about 518 million yen), and the support of the carbonated drink industry has strong restraint against the enactment of the new law etc. It is also pointed out. Mr. Aaron, research researcher, said, "Most organizations now refuse tobacco companies' assistance, but I think carbonated companies should be handled in the same way."

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log