Soda taste stick type crepe appears for a limited time

Although I sometimes see selling stick-shaped crepes in supermarkets etc., "FOODEX JAPAN 2011I encountered a crepe of taste that I have never met before.

It seems to be a crepe of soda flavor that will be on sale for a limited time, but there is also a sense of force in the cross section of the thing that was served for tasting, while also striking the impact of the package.

Details of soda flavor crepe are from the following.Delicious hand-baked crepe Hitsutoshi's "Longa Foods limited liability company" Rongafuzu develops and sells various crepes!

Poster that you care about Longa Food 's booth.

"There is soda in crêpe ??", but exactly that kind of comment comes out exactly.

Mainly handling frozen stick type crepes for business, the normal lineup looks like this. Chocolate, strawberry and other safe variations. Because it is frozen, it can be stored for a long time, it is half as thawy as it is placed at normal temperature, so it is not easy to cook.

It is almost all taste that is lined up ... ...

There are strangely summer-like packages that were drawn largely as "Soda (soda)" among them.

If this is a soda-flavored ice candy, there is no problem, but it is definitely written as "crepe".

Soda crepe for tasting was divided into one size.

What is that ... deep blue is beautiful.

I never tried eating, because there are more cream parts than soda parts, it is a mellow mouthfeel than I thought. At the stage of eating, the cream part was frozen and it was a ice-like texture. On the contrary, the soda part is pretty much pretty and the taste is also what is called "soda flavor", so the compatibility with crepe dough is a bit subtle. Perhaps people who like cream soda can be accepted.

On the site of Longa FoodsSales of crepes are also being made for individualsHowever, it seems that the crepe of soda flavor is not being lineup so far. If you are interested in it, you may contact us.

in Coverage,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log