A fantastic photo capturing the lake that glows blue in the dark

Underwater planktonBioluminescenceIt is a photograph that captured the natural phenomenon where the water surface shines mysteriously. Even occasionally in the waters around Japan it glows and shinesYakowachouAlthough it is due to it, this lake in Australia is the first time in 50 years that glows strongly so far, it has become an unusual atmosphere like a scene of a science fiction movie.

Details are as below.Glowing in the dark: Eerie phenomenon turned swimmers brighter shade of blue | Mail Online

Yakkou has a characteristic that it shines in response to physical stimuli, and can throw light when throwing a stone on the water surface.

PhotoVictoriaGibbs LandLake and swampy land along the eastern coast ofLagoonTo be continuedGippsland LakesIt was taken in.

Phil Hart (34), a photographer from Melbourne who took pictures of friends swimming in the lake at night, says "It was like playing with radioactive paint."

According to Mr. Hart, although the waves were brightly shining even with the naked eye, bright blue seems to have appeared for the first time when taking pictures with a low speed shutter.

Further exposure for a long time. Since the southern hemisphere, the center of the movement of the star isHeavenly South Polebut,PolarisThere is no bright star like that.

The outbreak of this year's Yakouchu is caused by forest fires and floods caused by the influence of lake waterNutrient saltIt is thought that it probably is because concentration got higher. Mr. Hart is a program director of an organization that has operated Canoe Camp for 50 years at Gippsland Lakes, but he said that no one has ever seen such a bright bioluminescence anyone can hear, "Having an opportunity once in a lifetime It may have been, I think that it is very lucky that I could see with this eye and I was able to record the camera with me there. "

in Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log