How can you truly study most by yourself?

I find quiet places, keep daily habits, concentrate on one theme at once, silently ...... It seems like an iron rule when studying alone, but recent research is self-taught It shows that all common sense at all is wrong.

Details are as below.
Think You Know How To Study? Think Again: NPR

Benedict Carrie, a reporter at the New York Times wrote about that kind of research, though many ideas of learning are intuitive, they are actually far apart and not useful about. Actually it seems that you can make maximum use of your study time if you do the following four.

◆ Part 1: Test yourself

Psychologists point out that the test results are bad, so it makes me feel bad, but the rate of forgetting what I studied by doing a self test is reduced. After studying something once more, by giving the test to myself again by themselves, it will be more effective than studying the same place more than once. It is harder to forget how much people who actually solved themselves by themselves than studying and trying to remember it.

Perhaps, if you do not understand essentially, you can not create a problem even for yourself, who created test questions for yourself for themselves rather than simply solving a problem collection It is thought that it is because understanding deepens as a result.

◆ Part 2: Changing places here and there

By changing the place of study to a place different from usual, you will be able to memorize more information. Move around here and studying in several different places, you can train your memory. Human memory is strengthened by associating several different things to the same word, and it makes it easier to remember the memory by the action of changing the place.

In short, when studying "A", studying about "A" at home and at the destination, even if the same thing is done, it is easier to memorize by just setting a different environment to study It will be easy to remember even more. In other words, it is easier to remember when studying as usual when moving to an environment different from usual, such as opening the English word books and taking them to travel destinations one after another. This is why I do it. Perhaps this is the reason why you go somewhere, calling it "camping" and somewhere, studying in a different family shop, coffee shop, or train, in the Shinkansen.

◆ Part 3: Approach in various ways

The same reasons that football players train themselves, by doing both strength training and speed training, the same reasoning that they grow well in balance will also apply to study. For example, when studying French verbs it is more effective to mix verbs not just by reading with eyes, but also by talking out loudly. Even if you just read silently, you can not do it even if you just put it out, it seems that the effect will appear by doing both.

In other words, when studying, not only reading in silence but also sometimes speaking out and reading it makes it completely different.

◆ Part 4: Space in time

The content you learned in a hurry will be lost at about the same rate. If you really want to learn, it is more effective to open a short interval and study every hour.

Although it should be able to understand sensibly if it is a person who has eaten overnight before the examination, although it is still a long-term memory rather than a short-term memory after all it learns, It seems better to study at an appropriate interval rather than to do.

Needless to say, these two points of clear motivation of "I want to study!" And repeated every day are premises.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse