What should you pay attention to when listening to music to get inspiration while creating?
Some people listen to music to improve their concentration while working or studying, while others find it distracting. Past research has shown that
Setting the Tone: How Listening to Music Can Inspire Fiction Writers ‹ Literary Hub
The effect of music on human productivity has been studied for many years.A paper published in 1972 confirmed that playing music while performing simple tasks improved work efficiency. Many studies have concluded that 'listening to music is good, but care should be taken withthe volume and type,' with some arguing that 'ambient music ' without strong beats or melodies is good, and others stating that the ' Blur effect ' was named after the British rock band Blur 's songs improved children's performance more than relaxing Mozart.
What kind of music do you listen to at work to improve your performance? - GIGAZINE
Riggs also used to listen to instrumental music because he thought it helped him concentrate better without lyrics, but a few years ago he started listening to music with lyrics while he was writing. 'At some point I realized I could write while the words were flowing into my ears,' he says. 'It can be distracting, but listening while writing is like reading while you write, and I've come to think of it as the ultimate artistic hack.'
Research has shown that music induces the release of dopamine, a brain reward system chemical. Music also has an important connection with memory, as specific phrases can stimulate the elicitation of latent memories, which are acquired unconsciously and are difficult to dig up by thought alone, or can bring back memories of when you heard a certain song. In fact, a study of music psychology conducted at Durham University in the UK suggests that the reason people tend to prefer music they heard when they were younger is that 'even if you don't like the song, songs that were popular during adolescence are closely intertwined with autobiographical memories.'
Why do people prefer the music they listened to when they were younger? - GIGAZINE
'There's something about the simultaneity of lyrics and prose that leads to a certain state of mind when writing, and helps guide the more poetic aspects of prose,' Riggs said. On the other hand, there are some things that are common in music but not allowed in novels, such as repeated phrases and non-specific sentimental messages. Listening to music helps him experience the 'tension' of writing, such as finding song elements that work in fiction, that is, words that can withstand the text alone without a melody.
Another characteristic of music is the use of rhyme and rhythmic phrases. Novels do not rhyme as often as music, but rhyme can remind you of 'another expression that can be used in this scene,' or when you need to repeat the same phrase, it can serve as a reference for 'how many times in music it feels good.' Furthermore, although it is not as constant as music, rhythm is also important in writing, and music can be useful in stimulating awareness of rhythm.
Listening to music while writing can stimulate memories and help you consider ideas. And while music can be distracting, when you are interrupted or your hand stops, music can distract you and 'make you feel the joy of writing,' Riggs points out. 'Let yourself be seduced by what you're hearing and go somewhere else. If it's your favorite song, you should be able to feel something there. Then write about the charm you received. Music is used as background music for all kinds of experiences, from weddings to funerals to eating out. I think that in writing, as in life, it plays a role in creating an atmosphere, such as a mindset,' Riggs says.
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in Note, Posted by log1e_dh