Why do you feel that pleasant time passes quickly?

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While there are precise watches that cause deviations of less than 1 second even when measuring from the beginning to the end of the universe, "human experience time" can not be said to be very accurate. Neuroscientists reveal the mechanism, why fun time passes so quickly, boring time will feel long.

Why Does Time Fly When You're Having Fun?

Neuroscientist Dr. Michael Shadrun of Columbia University's Irvine Medical Center said that each thinking has its own "limit". Taking reading as an example, the end of a word or the end of a sentence is recognized as one limit. When a person is crazy about reading, it is possible to read while conscious of both the near limit like the end of the sentence and the far limit like the end of the story itself. However, when you are reading while you are bored, you will be conscious of only the near limit like the end of the sentence, you will not be able to recognize the end of the story, so it will be felt for a long time.

By Lisa Fotios

According to the results of various experiments, Joe Patton , a neuroscientist chief scientist at the Shanpali Mode Foundation, a private biomedical research group in Portugal, argues that "several mechanisms are working for feeling time" . Experiments with rodents show that the faster the time the brain cells are activated and the neurons form a network for thought, the shorter the sensible time. According to another experiment using rodents, dopamine, which is involved in the brain's reward system, has been found to affect the sensory time. In the pleasant state, many dopamine is released, the sensation time is felt short, but on the contrary when doping is boring, dopamine is few, and the feeling time is felt for a long time.

"From the evolutionary point of view, it may be possible to explain that the perceived time is not accurate, life can be said to be a series of choices of" where to go and where to stay ", but decide where the sensible time should stay There is a possibility that it will be useful when you do, "Patton explains.

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According to Dr. David Eagleman , who taught psychology etc at Stanford University, "When doing the first thing compared to experienced things, a network of high density neurons is formed in the brain, It feels like it was. " As all the events are inexperienced as children, the brain forms a network of neurons of higher density, but as adults become fewer novelty, a strong neuron network will not be formed and "When you become an adult It will feel like it will pass sooner. "

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log