NTT Docomo's campaign chooses "Multimedia Broadcasting for Mobile Terminals" with higher picture quality than One Seg

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Using a part of the frequency band of the terrestrial analog broadcasting that will be stopped on July 24, 2011, it is planned to be offered for mobile phone terminals etc.,Multimedia broadcasting for portable terminalsAlthough NTT docomo camp and KDDI camp are currently scattering sparks over the business framework of "NTT docomo camp, it is clear that the NTT docomo camp is highly likely to be selected.

The NTT Docomo camp has adopted a newly developed domestic technology, and the KDDI camp has already adopted technologies that have been adopted in the US, but what exactly did you decide to accept or not?

Details are as below.
Multimedia Broadcasting: DoCoMo Camps Selected for Business Operators Electrical Judgment Policy - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

According to the Mainichi Shimbun news report, the advisory body of the ministerial affairs "Radio Wave Council」Is planning to start for mobile terminals in April 2012, as a provider of pay service" high-quality pay service "one-segment broadcasting" mobile multimedia broadcasting "as a business operator, NTT docomo campaign to strengthen the campaign It is said that official decision will be made within the week.

There is one company for "multimedia broadcasting for portable terminals"Domestic technology "Multimedia broadcasting" using the new broadcasting technology standard "ISDB-Tmm" methodNTT docomo camp which adopts and developed by American Qualcomm,"MediaFLO" whose service has already started in the United States since 2007The KDDI camp that adopted the conflict was confrontation.

Commentary on NTT Docomo's "Multimedia Broadcasting" campaign posted on the official page of the technology.
マルチメディア放送とは? << 株式会社マルチメディア放送

Commentary on "MediaFLO" which is posted on the official page of "Media flow Japan planning" of KDDI camp. Both standards realize higher usability than traditional one-segment broadcasting, including support for services that automatically accumulate program contents on mobile phones in addition to conventional real-time broadcasting.
Media FLO | MediaFLO Japan Planning Mediaflow Japan Planning Co., Ltd.

NTT docomo camp was chosen, but the base station maintenance expenditure presented by the camp is nearly half of the KDDI camp 43.8 billion yen, the one with lower base station maintenance expenses will provide the contents It is considered that evaluation was received that the entrance fee of the business entity becomes cheap and the entry of more businesses is expected.

When thinking about service development nationwide, it seems that it is a very big merit that the cost for maintenance of the base station is low, but the domestic standard NTT Docomo's "multimedia broadcasting" If it can not be deployed, there is a possibility that the manufacturing cost of corresponding terminals will rise, so we are concerned about future development.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log