"Kit kit wasabi" tasting review using nature rich Shizuoka specialties Review

We are offering area-specific flavors incorporating local specialties and famous products all over the country "Kit cut Sample local area". What is "Shizuoka / Kanto souvenir" is wasabi flavor. Tea comes to mind when it is a famous food in Shizuoka, but Shizuoka has rich nature such as Mt. Fuji and Southern Alps, and it seems that as wasabi production is ranked first in the country, it was selected as a regionally restricted flavor.

Model eventShizuoka Hobby ShowSo we also sell specialty products in Shizuoka, where "kit cut wasabi" was sold at Tamuraya main store, so I bought how Japanese wasabi is combined with chocolate wahas and tried it It was.

Details are as below.
"Kit cut wasabi" that had appeared at the 49th Shizuoka Hobby Show.

It is written "This is cool !!", but it is a flavor that has courage to put out your hands.

This is the package of the outer box. There are 12 mini version kit cuts inside.

Package back side.

It is written that the raw material contains stem wasabi powder.

Nutrition information table. 69 calories per sheet.

Known for wasabi picklesTamaruya main storeAnd kit cut collaboration. I use white chocolate.

Tamaruya main store was founded in 1898.

The product name is written in English on the side of the package.

When opening the outer box it will be like this.

Wasabi has been named in the literature of the Nara period and cultivation started in Shizuoka City Aritaki 400 years ago.

One bag of sachets.

The back of the pouch.

And this is what it is. It is light green which imaged wasabi.

From the back, you can see the wafer through.

The taste has a flavor that seems to be "I think that this is certainly a wasabi" just by bite-scorching. However, because there is also a strong sweetness of white chocolate it is quite mild. Wasabi powder scattered on the wafer scrapes when it touches the tongue, but there is no stimulus to escape from the tone and nose. If it was not a person who dislikes wasabi, it was finished in a taste that can be eaten so much.

A box with all the pouches removed. There is also a wasabi design on the inside of the box.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log