I tried my range time with cup noodle "Indian style wind curry noodle" and "Sichuan bomber loading noodle" to put water and tin at the range
In the case of a 500 W microwave oven4 minutes + stir + additional heating = my range time"Is written in the package, the Nissin 's cup noodle new series that" You can hardly soup hardened noodles "or" Toro soup boiled noodles "depending on the heating time length"Cup Noodle My Range Time"As its new product"Indian curry noodle"When"Sichuan Wind Burden NoodleSince it appeared, I actually chicken and tried it.
Details of tasting reviews are given below.Cup Noodle My Range Time Indication Wind Curry Noodle | Product Information | Nissin Food
Cup Noodle My Range Time Sichuan Wind Bear Noodle | Product Information | Nissin Foods
First I will look at "Indian curry noodle".
Looking at the raw materials, the difference from ordinary curry noodles seems to be ingredients such as fried eggplants.
Care must be taken because tragedy is born if you buy it for convenience store and warm it as it is that business range is not available.
Allergy display is like this.
It is quite calorie with 470 kcal per meal. The content volume has been increased by 14 grams from ordinary curry noodles, so calories are increasing by 66 kcal.
Coupled with the shade of yellow and black, it seems like something has been warned lots.
Here also the notice of "prohibited range for business use". It may be inconvenient for someone who does not have a microwave oven where to eat, as it can not be said to eat at work or the like after chinting on the spot they bought. Is it for those who are looking for "My Range Time" carefully at home at last?
It seems to be able to open the part of the perforation which is running sideways. It is similar to what is on the box of chocolate confectionery.
I peel off.
Then turn over the lid from the usual place.
At the perforated part, the lid and lid are now able to be broken to the other side. And here is also a note on heating microwave.
I have expectations with the impression that the ingredients are more comfortable than ordinary cup noodles.
The finishing oil of the post-filling is stuck to the top of the lid.
Finished oil is such a package.
When water is added, the ingredients will float without leaving it puffy.
In the range.
After cooking. Equipment such as eggplant has expanded its presence more. At first it tried to eat at the prescribed heating time of 4 minutes, but it was feeling like a cup noodle which was shortened to 2 minutes waiting for 3 minutes as it was feeling left with a crispness and core. I think that some people like this by this, but I felt that the noodles should be back, so when I added 30 seconds additional heating, there is something like mysterious Koshi, a kind of unique texture It became noodles. However, due to the heating of the microwave oven, unevenness in the condition of fire between the jug and the noodle has occurred, resulting in a texture with no sense of unity. The soup has a spicy flavor stronger than the normal one, and appetizes. It is a perfect taste for those who are not satisfied with the usual curry noodles.
This time I will challenge with "Sichuan-like bad noodle".
Raw material is like this.
As for the package, characters for business use range prohibition are still.
Allergy labeling.
105 grams per serving and the same content as the BIG series of cup noodles. Calorie is also lively with 511 kcal.
This upper lid is also used in some places yellow, which makes me feel like I'm warned somewhere. Does that mean that danger involves cooking microwave?
Because there is a difference depending on the model in the microwave oven, there is also a note of caution needed to wipe out over the specified time.
I will peel apart as well.
Minced meat enters and covers the noodles.
The finishing oil is red and spicy.
After adding water, a minced meat part floated. Rough impression.
Re-in range. I judged that it heated "plus 30 seconds" earlier and tried heating it the same way this time. During heating, the scent of intense sesame spreads around the area.
When heated it makes the soup sticky. The taste of sesame felt during cooking when you try to eat is slightly fragrant, it has a slightly different flavor compared to the no-loading noodles you eat at Chinese restaurants. All of the cup noodle series are delivering the unique taste "This is a ○ ○ taste cup noodle style!" Which is different from ordinary curry taste and soy sauce taste, but I felt that feeling was being strengthened It was. The presence of minced meat is strong, it is slightly junky taste, enough for those who are not good at hot things. However, even if you compare it with eating, I did not feel the sense of sticking to microwave cooking until I bet every danger, so I'd love to eat either taste in an ordinary cooking method.
In the case of cup noodles, it was "boiling hot water", so there was not much difference in the cooking environment, it was as if it was unified as always anywhere with taste, but "cup noodle myrange time In the case of "cooking", there is a part that is influenced by the heating method of the microwave oven used for cooking, etc.? Because it feels like it maybe, there may be a microwave oven like "a perfect cup noodle!" Somewhere, and the time to chin further makes a difference in texture and image considerably, It might be suitable for those who want to explore over time by trial and error, "If this heating time with this heating time!", For those who want to eat easily anyway It may not be ... ....
We are going to set up guidelines for each range and cooking time in a way that is open to the public or to encourage each household appliance manufacturer to equip the "Cup Noodle My Range Time" button daringly, If developed, hidden "true ability" is likely to be demonstrated.
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