Sony Fixed "8001050F" Malfunction on Older PS3, it was due to "leap years"
Worldwide PS3 malfunctioning from March 1st has been at last fixed by Sony. Surprisingly, the reason of this panic was due to inadequacy on a leap year.
Read on for detail.
Latest info on PlayStation Network Status - PlayStation.Blog
On March 1st, access to PlayStation Network has failed and error "8001050F" occurred on every PS3(except newer slim models) and they became uncontrollable.
Thankfully the bug has been fixed(as for Japan). Sony has confirmed that older models of PS3 is now working fine with PlayStation Network.
The reason for malfunction was the operating system's inadequacy for leap years. Somehow it mistook Mar. 1st, 2010 as Feb. 29, 2010. So the date on PSN conflicted with the one on PS3, which caused the error.
If you still got the error, you should set your watch by hand or via the Internet. Their online manual will help.
PS3 | Date and Time Settings
But alas, leap year error! How could geniuses at Sony have done that? The mistake seems a bit too simple for $300 consoles.
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