No, MGS4 didn't cost 60 Million bucks, Kojima Production Denied on Twitter

Kojima Production denied the rumor that their Metal Gear Solid 4 costed over 60 million dollars. It's true that production cost of games are showing sharp rise recently due to enormous works on 3DCG, but Kojima Production said that had it been on such a budget, the game would have been produced in a totally different way.
Read on for detail.
Twitter / Kojima Production: Recently they say MGS4 costed over 50 millioln bucks...

According to their tweet, the article on a gaming blog titled "Top 10 most expensive video games budgets ever" telling that MGS4 is the 5th most costly games is incorrect.
They mentioned that if production cost raise to that level, it won't pay unless they make the game a multi-console title. But no console other than PS3 can handle such big a data the game has. So the rumor cannot be true.
But still, the article is interesting. Production cost of a game is seen as one of the indicators for the games' quality. But how many games in the ranking is worth the cost?
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in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log