"will BLOW YOUR MIND" Capcom Tweeted about sequel to their big-hit series

Hail to the latest Web2.0 technology! Game manufacturer Capcom, the mother of such big-hit serieses like "Monster Hunter", "Street Fighter", "Resident Evil", "Rock Man", "Devil May Cry"...and a lot more, threw a impressive message on their official account on "Twitter" about "a new game sequel will BLOW YOUR MIND"
Read on for detail.
Twitter / Capcom_Unity: In five , we're having a m ...
According to the post, a meeting was held to discuss about the sequel for a game. They didn't mention what the game will be and when it will come out, but wrote that the game "will BLOW YOUR MIND when you find out about it". Since it has been already half a year passed since "Resident Evil 5" and "Street Fighter 4", the new title might be a sequel to either one of them.
There's also no knowing when they are going to reveal the title. There will be some big game exhibition coming, like GamesCom of Europe on Aug.18 and "Tokyo Game Show 2009" from Sept 24 to 27. So maybe we don't have to wait until "much much later" as they say.
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