A trailer movie of "Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic" that animated Dante's "Kamikyoku" appeared

At the moment, a project to media mix Dante's "Divine Comedy" centered on Electronic Arts, etc. is proceeding, but among themProduction I. G also participated in the production "Dante's Inferno"The PV of it was released. The film is in all six chapters, Production I. G is in charge of the production of Chapter 1.

Details are as below.
AICN Anime - An Animatic Preview of Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic - Is not It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Background that can be overwhelmed if you look at the movie screen.

Although it is unknown whether PV is the only PV of chapter 1, the basic setting that the hero (Dante) heads to hell seems to be the same as the original.

People who have been murdered without survival.

It seems that the soul that came out of the body of the heroine was caught by the devil and the main character headed to hell to save it.

The hero who passes through the gates of hell.

"Dante's Inferno An Animated Epic" will be released on DVD and BD.

in Movie,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt